Nothing, just an inCHident (part 2)

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'MAX? Where are you?' He heard the older dutch man shout from a distance . At this Charles jumped back and max seemed to do the same. For a brief moment they looked at each other, flustered over what had happened, whatever it was that had happened... before Max shouted back to his father. 'I'm here dad, I'm coming' before turning around, taking off in to the dark night. Still trying to  proces what had happened only minutes before, Charles stood frozen still , alone on the grandstand staring in to the dark in the direction Max had walked in. After coming to his senses again he jogged towards the building where the barbecue was still going before he took place next to Anthoine at the picknick table where he had been seated before he excused himself to go on a little walk. Anthoine had shot him a curious look when he returned but didn't mention it.

Later that night Charles lay awake, staring at the ceiling of their motorhome. It was far past midnight and he had been tossing and turning in his sheets for hours now. Replaying tonight's events in his head over and over again. He hadn't expected max to come look for him, he never did, eventhough they clashed quite a bit. So when he stood in front of him Charles was surprised to say the least. And if he was honest with himself he understands why Max was so angry with him. The boy had been soaking wet only his helmet sticking out above the puddle of water. Not to mention all parts on his kart must have drowned with him in that puddle. He know that those fixes would be expensive. But for some reason max's anger towards him had only fuelled his flame, he didn't really know why. That was just their dynamic lately. Battleships in everything they did. that's why he came up with that crashstappen comment. He didn't really mean it, he just didn't want the Dutchman to get the upper hand. So when the blonde Dutchman answered back to him with the second place comment it stung. Very out of character he had felt the urge to psychically leach out to the Dutchman as he kept provoking him. He wondered why he did that,  cause he was never been the one to leach out, always being politically correct and nice in every situation. So why was it different with Max?

And why when he almost did, the air became to thick to swallow? When he was looking in the Dutchman's blue eyes all the rage he had felt only seconds before had become lost on him. Max's beautiful blue eyes, like the sea in the Monte Carlo harbour.  Charles felt his breathe hitch and quickly shook his head. Why did he get so affected? Why had max's words stung so much? Why did he wanna leach out, but didn't he? Why was he now thinking about what the eyes of his rival reminded him of? With those questions on his mind The Monegask had finally fallen a sleep far passed midnight.

The next morning he was woken up by Jules  who was quietly calling out his nickname. 'Common Charlie wake up, Charlie.' Charles started to stir at the mentioning of his Nickname. Jules now being sure the Monegask was awake, started talking again. 'Goodmorning sleepyhead, go get dressed and eat some breakfast. We want to get going in the next hour so we're back home again before noon.' Charles was staring at his godfather who was putting away loose lying things of their motorhome back in to their right cabinets, getting ready for their trip home.
Charles , who still had is head full with the questions from the night before was contemplating if he should ask his godfather for advice, like he usually did on many aspects of his life. The Monegask who was now lost in thought hadn't noticed he had been starring to were his godfather had been until said men waved his hand in front his face. 'What's on your mind, pretty boy?' He asked.
'Can I tell you something? 'Charles had asked. 'Ofcourse Charlie! always, you know that!' Charles was quiet for a moment before he continued. ' please , promise you won't tell anyone and that you won't laugh at me when I tell you. 'I won't, you can count on that you know I'm always here for you' he answered.

That was enough confirmation for him, with the reassurance he now got from his godfather he started talking about everything that happened yesterday, and the questions he fell asleep with that were still ons his mind when he woke up.

Like he had expected ,Jules didn't laugh at him and didn't judge him. He only had looked slightly surprised when his godson told him about the encounter he had with the dutchman , or more so on how that ended. But when Charles had started talking about the eyes of his fellow rival Jules had his confirmation.

He chuckled to himself while he ruffled the younger man's hair. 'You'll be alright Charlie.' He had said. 'You're growing up from a boy in to a young man and you'll figure this out sooner or later.' His godfather had told him reassuringly while squeezing his schouder. Charles didn't understand, normally he always god the best advice from Jules, but now he had stayed really vague. But he let it slide for now cause he trusted the man like he had always done.

The entire ride home Charles had starred out of the window thinking about the weekend , the race and his conversations with Max and his godfather. The closer they got to Monaco again. The more he thought about what his godfather could have meant. The idea slowly growing in to his head, but if that was what Jules head meant, he definitely wasn't sure that , that was what it could have been. He let us slide for now, cause it was now time for summer break!

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