Talk over coffee

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'Am i the bad person for shutting him out?' Max asked seated on the bed. 'No ofcourse not I think you had perfectly valid reasons to not just give in directly, why?' The monegasque who was picking out clothes from his bag answered before he went to sit down next to him. 'I don't know, just yesterday when in talked to Vic... she told me dad was actually missing me and now I feel kinda bad for making him feel like that, but also I feel like I had and still have perfect reason to do so' the dutchman sighed as he put his had in his hands. Charles hummed confirmingly as he rubbed soothing circles on his back. ' it's just I don't want to get hurt again you know? Or even worse that he hurts you' as he turned towards the Monegask. 'What if it's just his plan of getting to me again?' He asked as he continued.

'What if I trust him for the wrong reasons and he tries to break us up?' Charles chuckled a little before he saw his boyfriend's face and turned serious again. 'You really think he would do that?' A shocked expression on his face. 'Arrrrg, Well maybe I don't know? I want to believe that he means it? But he never once apologised for what he did to you. And now he is being pushey again and also what he said at the gala...' he rambled. Charles now put his other hand in Max's as he gave it a little squeeze. 'So what do you want to do?' He asked carefully.

Max was silent for a little bit noticeably weighing his options. 'I- I think' another sigh 'I think I wanna give him a chance, if you feel okay with that too?' Charles smiled softly at him. 'Sure Mon lion' he said as he placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. 'But if he hurts one of us again or you ever feel uncomfortable with it let me know cause then I'm done!' Max said determined.

Hé texted his father that they could meet up at the coffee place to talk and when to be there.
Only after a couple minutes he got the respone from his father that he was looking forward to it and that he would make it.
'I just hope this isn't a mistake' the dutchman said before he made his way to the bathroom were the monegasque was already brushing his teeth.

The rest of the day was filled with fun things with both of their families again just hanging out together and have fun so the couple didn't had to think about the conversation that was awaiting tomorrow morning.

Max was seated in the middle off the coffeeshop fumbling with the strap of his watch as he looked over to Charles who was seated at One of the barstools with his brothers at the bar. They had agreed to come with as a cover for Charles being there to be their in support of Max might something go wrong but they didn't want to raise suspicion either. They were still in a public place after all.

As the couple locked eyes Charles gave his boyfriend a reassuring smile as they both turned their heads towards the door as they heard the bell connected to the door ring. It was in fact the one Max was waiting for :Jos. As the older dutchman saw his son he smiled and made his way towards him just as he saw the monegasque sitting at the bar. He still continued his way to the table as he went to Sit down.

'It's good to see you son' Max smiled back faintly 'yeah, you too' he said still on the edge on about how this was going to go. They sat in akward silence before a waitress came to take their order. As she walked away Jos said: 'what a nice girl' this made Max glare annoyed at his father. They fell in silence again as Max dicided to speak up. 'So what did you wanna talk about?' Wanting to know why his father had been messaging a couple times a day, daily for a month until he gave in.

'Am I not alowed to want contact with my own son?' He asked defensive. Max felt his blood starting to boil first the girl comment and now this attitude so he stood up ready to walk out of the cafe but he was halted with his fathers hand around his wrist. 'Max wait!' He said as he looked at his son. Max just looked at him unimpressed. As they also got the attention from some other customers. Also the Leclerc brothers were watching them closely.
As the older Dutchman realized what he was doing he loosened the grip on his arm and his tone turned softer. 'Please Max?' Max sighed before he went to sit down again.

'I'm sorry' Jos said as his son looked expectantly at him. ' I- I just miss you son' the man breathed out. This made Max look up, he wasn't really expecting the word out of his fathers mouth. He was just sitting there looking at his father not really knowing what to say. 'So son, what do you say?' He asked him breaking the silence. Max's sighed before he answered. 'Well that depends, how do you see that?'

The older dutchman looked at his hand before he looked up again. 'I want us to have more contact again. And I uhm I wanna get to know you and your friend more' as he nodded towards Charles.
'Not my friend, my boyfriend dad' he said sternly looking his father in the eye.
'Getting to know you and your boyfriend' Jos agreed quietly.
'I'm really trying here Max, but you have to understand this is not easy for me. I've spent my whole life knowing that that  is wrong'
'You also learned to love your kids unconditionally' Max countered 'that was what grandma always used to say'
'Yeah your right' the older man sighed. 'But I mean it Max , I am really sorry and I am trying, I don't always react okay but I really try' he plead.
'Okay' Max suddenly said.
'Yes, okay I'll give you a chance'
'Really?!' His father smiled at him
'But don't expect everything to be back like before immediately and if you ever treat me or Charles like you did in the past were done!'
'That's fair' his father replied.

After a little while they fel in some easier conversation and they decided to meet up again on Tuesday morning the day of New Years eve to have some coffee at Max's apartment.

'Thank you son' Jos smiled as they stood up.
'It's okay' Max said as he held out his hand for his father to shake.
Jos took it and shook it before he pulled his son in a hug as he patted his back.
'Thank you again' he said as he pulled away. 'I see you Tuesday son' as he made his way to the door he gave the Leclerc brothers a nod.

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