2013 KZ world championship final

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This was it... after last year Max knew what he came here for, what he came to do! He should have won last year probably but because of the disqualification he had he ended up in tenth position. At first he had been mad, mad at everything. But now in hindsight, maybe it was better he lost last year cause he learned a lot this year. About his driving and about himself. But now he was determined, I'm gonna win this world championship!

He was in Varennes sur Allier starting from pole, in the last race while he was leading the championship with a small margin. He had won everything he competed in this year. The kz and kf European championships and he was hoping to bring in both world championships as well. If he made that happen he was a shoe in for single seaters his father had told him.

Max however felt bittersweet about it, of course his dream had always been to get in to single seaters and hopefully formula one some day. But the karting track is what he knew, it was were he was most of the time in his childhood life. Where he learned everything he knew and where he actually made friends. At school this was hard cause he was away most of the time to travel to all the championships all over the world.

He was shaken from his thoughts when he felt a hand on his schoulder. 'Come on son, show them what you worth and win this championship!' With that they walked with the pitcar to the track.

It wasn't the start Max had hoped for, he started first but now he was now third behind Ardigo and Leclerc because of his slow start. He was mad at himself but once again thankful for his extra year in karting. Last year he was to eager, he wanted to much so his action was deemed unfair and was penalised. He wouldn't let that happen this year though!

He waited for the right moment and followed closely until he saw the perfect opportunity to catch his childhood rival Leclerc , it wasn't easy but he got the overtake beautifully done in lap 3.
Now his next prey, Ardigo he soon is following him close too, and by lap 5 he overtakes him cause of a big gap the frontman has left.
He quickly drove away in the distance and luckily for him the number 2,3 and 4 kept battling for position so the pressure was off him a little bit.

After 22 laps he passed the chequered flag and was ecstatic! He had won! The race and the world championship! He was so happy! And hopefully his father was proud as well he thought to himself. When he drove back to the pits he was watching the screen, he saw himself passing the flag and in the background he saw Charles overtake the number 2 in the last corner. Damn that was a nice move , Max thought.

After that everything went quite fast, he was congratulated by many and after that was the podium ceremony. The top three was asked to shoot some photos for the FIA website and a post race press conference , so that is what they did.

After they were done they had to wait for the last bit of formal thing they had to do. So now Max, Marco Ardigo and Charles were seated in a room waiting to get called for.

Max took his seat next to Charles. 'Congrats on that last coroner overtake mate, it was really good!' Max told the Monegask who was now eying him closely. They weren't particular civil the last couple of years so Charles was suspicious. But he only saw a genuine smile on Max so he replied ' yeah, you congratulation on the world title'

There fell an silence between them, so to break the tension Charles started. 'So, I guess this was our last championship race together? Us both competing in different categories of single seaters next year?'
Max smiled at him and replied. 'I bet we will race eachother at some point in the future Leclerc.'
'Why?' The Monegask asked the dutchman now feeling they were easing in to the conversation. 'Well, I know we both have similar goals for our careers so probably in the future we see each other there? Max replied. 'How can you be so sure though? Your going in to formula 3 and I'm going to drive in formula Renault, that's not exactly the same' he sighed. 'Well, we both hope to reach f1 some day right? Well and as much as I hate to admit it your not a pancake Charles!' he said. Charles couldn't help but to smile back the dutchman. 'Was that a compliment Verstappen?' He asked with a playful smirk. 'Don't flatter yourself to much Leclerc, but yes, given the fact that we battled each other so closely in the last couple of years, yes I think your good, but I'm still gonna beat your ass though! He laughed. Charles laughed with him. ' well your not really a crépe Suzette yourself Verstappen, so I hope we can, as much as I hate your guts most of the time.
our battles were fierce and I think it made the both of us better'
They smiled and both nodded again, once again falling in to a comfortable silence. Before Max spoke again. 'Let's work hard so hopefully we can fight each other some point in formula 1' he said while holding out his hand to the Monegask. Charles took Max his hand and shook it. 'I'd like that' he replied. Before he added: ' and can we promise each other to at least stay civil like this of track? I'm done fighting, I like this better.' He said while looking at his shoes.
'I'd like that' Max smiled at him.

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