Heart scattering truth's

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Max was a sobbing mess at his point. All the emotions that had build up in the last week evaporated like a bomb. A time bomb that was ticking to go off and break. Destroying anything that was near. His father the nearest target.

His father was looking at him perplexed, the man who normally wouldn't let anyone talk disrespectful in his face was now rooted where he stood. Never expecting his son to go off on him like that. not expecting the words that came out of his mouth.

'Max' he said as he approached his son, his arm lifted up towards his shoulder.
'DON'T TOUCH ME!' Max cried out as he reached out to push his father backwards. Who landed with his back against the nearest wall with a dull thud.
Jos quickly lowered his arm and took a small step back sideways. Creating a bit more space between them, to be able to look him in the eyes.

'Max... s-son? What happens with Charles?' He asked in a soft voice. Surprised by his father's soft demeanour he looked up at him with his watery eyes.
'H-he L-L-left me' Max let out between sobs.
'Ooh Max....' He said soothing.
This only erupted more sobs from the younger dutchman who wrapped his arms around himself.

'Max?' Jos pleaded, as he opened his arms for his son as a gesture.
Max softly nodded as his father wrapped his arms around him and Max let himself be hugged. Only after a couple of minutes letting go enough that he wrapped his own arms around his dad.

'Shhhh, let it go Max, let it go' his father whispered in his ear as he held his son close and stroked the back of his head. 'Shhhhhs'

Back in the day Jos would have thought his son's crying was a weakness, but watching his son grow up in to the man he was today he knew it wasn't and he just needed to be there for him.

After a while Max's tears died down and only some quiet sobs remained. Then Jos pulled back a little and held his son's head in his arms at he looked in to his eyes.

'Why didn't you say anything Max? He asked with a soft voice.
'B-because I thou-thought you might be happy about it' Max replied as he reverted his eyes to anywhere but his dad as he whipped away his tears.
'Max?' He asked as his son still didn't look up.

'Max?' He tried again and the younger dutchman this time listened and looked up again.

'Max, I need you to hear this, you being happy means everything to me! If your heart is broken so is mine! There is nothing in this world more important to me then that you and your siblings are happy!' He said as he took a deep breath before he continued.

'And look, I know I didn't make you feel like that the last couple of years, heck even when you were younger. But especially the last three years with Charles... though I don't regret being hard on you when you were younger about racing. I regret being hard on you for being you! And I haven't and will probably never forgive myself for that...But I accept you Max! I love every single part of you! And I will spend every day of my life to make sure that you know that, okay?! I made so many mistakes, and I can't promise I won't ever make any again, but I will never intentionally hurt you again. As he took another pause.

'And if things with you and Charles are really over, then I'm sure you will find another lovely person, no scratch that, not a person, another wonderful guy! Though I don't believe that cause when I see you two together he looks at you like you hung the moon and the stars in the sky! Jos paused shortly before he smirked a little at his son. That French boy is crazy about you, I don't believe that those feelings are just gone Max! He just needs to get his head out of his arse! And when he does I think he will do everything to make it up to you!

Max snorted a little at the last bit as he shoved his father playfully. 'He's monegasque and you know that.'
'Yeah I know, but for now he hurt you, so he can suck it up!' His father said as he wrapped Max in another hug and patted his back.

'Your strong little lion, go get em!'

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