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' I miss you' the monegasque said in the phone. It was now a couple weeks later and the boarders had been closed, also in Monaco lockdown had kicked in full force. All public locations were closed and you were only allowed to go outside for groceries and if your job requires it.

That also meant the couple hadn't seen much of the other. Cause even though the formula one calendar was off until further notice. The teames wanted to be prepared for when they got back so still a lot of work from home and in their simulators had to be done.

'I miss you to but we will stream together with Lando tonight?' The dutchman sighed in his phone.
'Yesh I know but it's not the same' he replied slightly annoyed.
'I know schatje, but maybe we can make it work this weekend? Maybe I know more after the meeting with Redbull' he tried to cheer his boyfriend up. 'I hope so, good luck with your meeting love' he said before they hung up.

That evening they were doing a lifestream with Lando, they had dicided to do that more to pass the time as well as giving the fans some content now that they weren't racing. Eventually Charles had logged off and Max would play a little bit longer with Lando so that it wasn't suspicious.
'Oh have you seen that mate, you should also send it to Charles!' Max said through his headset only to get a cheeky reply from Lando in their private chat. 'Do it yourself loverboy 😜'

After a little while they both stopped the game so Max could now finally FaceTime his boyfriend.

'Bonjour Mon lion' charles picked up with a smile. 'Any news from Redbull yet?' Max could only smile as he saw his boyfriends sweet dimples on screen. 'Nothing definite yet but their are talks about an alternative Calendar without spectators. So I hope they manage cause I'm ready to go racing again!'
'Yes that would be great!' Charles smiled at him. As they made arrangements because for the first time in 3 weeks they would finally spend some days together again.

On Saturday morning Max had breakfast with his father before he would head out. He told him what he had in mind.
'Are you really sure about this?' His father had asked him. 'Yes dad I am' he had replied before he headed out the door.

The couple had decided that Max would do some grocery shopping for the weekend because Charles still had to do a meeting with sponsors in the morning via zoom. Max was going through the shops and getting what he needed before he made his way to the apartment complex of the monegasque.

Max knocked on the door as he heard Charles talking from the other side. As he heared him coming towards the door.
'Sorry guys, that is my grocery delivering service' he said as he opened the door with an apologetic look towards Max as he pointed towards his laptop with his head. Max just smiled and rolled his eyes. Technically the monegasque didn't really lie but he would like to be called differently then the grocery delivery guy.

As he started to unpack all the stuff he got making sure not to walk in front of the webcam Charles went back to his laptop to finish the meeting he was in.
After about 20 minutes he was finally finished.

Max who was now seated on the couch with his earbuds in was oblivious to Charles that was approaching him. So when the monegasque wrapped his arms around him from behind the couch as he pulled out his earbuds he let out a little squeek.
'Mon dieu, I missed you' Charles said as he kissed his cheek with a sigh. Max was now smiling as well was quick to hug him back. Before he turned a bit as he pulled his boyfriend over the back of the couch that he was now laying on top of himself as he hugged him thighter as he nuzzled in the crook of his neck. 'I've been wanting to do this for so long' he said bearaly audiable as he spoke in to Charles's sweater as he let out a long breath.

They just layed there for a while soaking up the others presence. Just holding each other close.
After a little while Max spoke up. 'Liefje?'

'Mhh what is it Maxy?' He said a bit sleepy still cuddled close to him.

'I wanted to talk to you about something ' he said softly. This made the Monegasque sit up that he was looking in to his eyes. Searching for what his boyfriend could mean with that.

Max started to sit up as well so they were now seated together. Max holding Charles's fingers playing with them as he was a bit nervous. Not looking at him.

'You know I miss you a lot right now with lockdown and everything ?' He started.

'Yes?' He replied questioning

'And you miss me a lot too, right?'

'Yes I do, you know that' he smiled a little.

'Well uhm... I wanted to ask you... you know... it would maybe be more convenient.... You know... if we?... if we.. you know... mo- move in together?' He said stumbling over his own words. Afraid to look up.

His fear not necessary. Cause within a second the monegasque hang cuddled around his neck.
'O my god, yes , Maxy! Really?!, I would love nothing more then that!'


So that was a new chapter! I'm sorry it was a bit late but because of a traffic problem at spa I was home so late that I didn't get it finished and posted on time. I hope that you like this chapter!!

Also about the race. What a rocket ship that Redbull was! And also what was that with Ferrari and that last pitstop, I honestly can't with them 🙈

Anyway thank you for reading!

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