How do we go from here?

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Max was tossing and turning in his bed. His blanket kicked in to a pile at the end of his bed. The fabric feeling suffocating on his body. He barely slept in the last three days. He slept a little bit after Charles had got him back to his hotel room on Thursday, being to tired from his panick attack he had. But when he woke up after that he hadn't slept at all. Given this fact he did well today in the race, still finishing fifth right behind the Mercedes's and the Ferrari's. It was a decent result.

He had been thinking about what had happened every moment he was awake and not busying himself with racing. Kissing Charles had felt so good. Butterflies having a party in his belly. He blushed every time he thought about the feeling of Charles's soft and sweet lips on his. How they fitted so perfectly together and how it felt so right.
But the everytime he thought about his father and about what he would say, not to mention his sponsors. He didn't want this, it was all to complicated but at the same time it was all he wanted. Charles was all he wanted.

Feeling bad about how they parted ways on Thursday he decided to text the Monegask.

M: hey are you still awake?

Almost immediately he got a reply. He didn't expected that cause it was 2.33 on Monday morning.

C: hey, yes couldn't sleep.

M: I'm sorry about Thursday I didn't want us to part like that. I feel bad.

C: it's okay Maxy,

M: no it's not okay Charlie I acted like a dick. Can we maybe talk tomorrow? I want to explain.

Max decided he was gonna be honest with the Monegask about everything. He still wasn't sure about everything but it was pretty clear it was no use to deny what he was feeling.

C: yes, ofcourse! Breakfast tomorrow?

M: yes! That sounds good, thank you again Charles

C: always Maxy ;)

Max felt a bit more at ease again, a smile creeping on his face thinking about the winky emoticon Charles had send him. Damn he felt like a lovestruck puppy. For the first time in three days he at least slept for a little bit.

He was sitting in one of the more private boots of the restaurant in the hotel. He was picking at his finger nails. He was nervous. He wanted to be honest with Charles. He really did. But being honest made him so, so scared.

After a little while Charles scooted in to the boot sitting opposite of himself. They decided to get some breakfast from the buffet before they returned to their table again.
'Thanks for joining me' he smiled nervously at the boy in front of him. 'I, I... wanted to explain what happened Thursday night' he started his lip trembling fumbling with his napkin on the table. Charles noticed the Dutchman's unease so he reached out his hand a laid on Max's. Carasing his thumb on the back of it. Max was looking around him clearly checking if someone had seen. When he didn't see anyone even remotely close to were they were seated he eased in to Charles's touch. 'And why I act like this' he sighed.
'I... I... I like you Charles' he stuttered. 'As more then a friend. He stuttered, still afraid that to Charles Thursday night had just been a heat of the moment thing.
But A smile was now spreading on Charles's face as he replied. 'I like you too Maxy, for quite a while now' he admitted. Max felt himself Smiling back at him and a crimson blush spreading from his neck on to his cheek's.
'I'm sorry about Thursday again' Max continued.'I didn't want to scare you away or make you feel like I didn't want it... that I didn't want you... cause I really wanted it too! it's just... I'm so fucking scared Charles' he admitted tears already welling behind his eyes. ' it's just my dad... he made it very very clear that I... that his son can't be a faggot.' He said now fully crying. 'But I can't deny what I'm feeling anymore, and what you make me feel...' he added. 'If he ever finds out. And what if our teams find out?' He asked the Monégasque.

To be honest Charles wasn't surprised about the reason of Max's panick attack in Thursday. He also didn't now how they would do this, but he felt like they could figure this out together so that is what he told him. He grabbed Max's other hand laced their finger together. 'I honestly am not sure either Maxy and I'm also fucking scared... but I we can figure it out together?' He asked unsure, still a bit of fear for rejection in his voice. 'Together!' Max confirmed while gazing in his eyes. Squeezing his hands a little

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