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The couple stood frozen in their place as a voice from behind them spoke up. 'What are you doing here?'the pair slowly turned around to find out who was standing there and what they might have seen. And even though they were not ready to find out what would happen now.
As they turned they didn't let go of the others hand it was no use now anymore anyway. They now needed to face te inevitable.

Standing in front of them was a man around his sixties dressed in a blue outfit holding a flashlight. 'I-I am - w- we are sorry' Charles spoke up stumbling over his words 'we just wanted to get some air' Max added. 'Yeah I could see that' the man snorted halfheartedly. 'Needed mouth to mouth didn't you?' As a blush crept its way on the faces of the couple. 'But how did you get even in here? Do you know any of those drivers?' The man asked clearly not recognising the couple. The pair blinked at the other for a sec. 'Yeah we work as maganics for one of the teams' Charles said. 'Well make that you get out of here before I have to report you guys for breaking an entry' the couple nodded at the man before they once again offert their apologies to the man before Max took Charles hand and pulled them away back to where the party was.

As they went down trough the stairwell Charles stoped Max as the door closed behind them. 'o My god Maxy I was so scared that we were caught!' He said as he fell around the Dutchman laughing. Max immediately pulled him close 'ooh god me to Charlie we really have to be more careful' he snorted. 'We were lucky that man didn't recognise us' Charles smiled. 'Yes definitely' Max said as he kissed his boyfriend before he pulled him down towards the party again.

The evening was filled with dancing, singing and drinking. Noticibly the party each year became more fun given that in all the racing classes the drivers got younger. The old chaps sitting on the side sipping on to expensive champagne or wodka if they hadn't left already after the gala itself. Max was jumping around with Lando and Daniel on some song as Charles , Alex and Pierre were laughing about something they seen happening on the other side of the room.

As Charles was watching Pierre impersonating that person his eyes fell on someone walking through the crowed. The face of someone he knew all to well even though not really knowing him at all. He watched as this person was walking straight towards the man he loved. Charles had been staring and didn't hear Pierre until he waved hiss hand in front of the face of the Monegask. 'Petit Calamar, are you there?' He joked before he followed Charles's gaze 'oh' Pierre said as he saw where Charles was staring at.

The French speakers now tried to listen in on the conversation that Max had with the other man but they couldn't hear anything unfortunately. The pair totally forgot about Alex that was still standing with them? 'Boys?' He asked eying them both curiously. 'Hello? What is going on?' The Thai Britton tried again. Still not sure why his friends were acting like this he followed their gaze. Now also his eyes fell on Max and the Man who he could only see from the back.  Slowly he started to puzzle the pieces together and why Charles and Pierre were so intensely staring at the pair across the room. But that obviously was an conversation for another time.

The Monegask saw his boyfriend's face going from happy and having fun to going unreadable, stoic even, the look he mostly saved for the press. As he Saw Daniel and Lando both placing a hand ons his shoulder. Yet another couple of things were said between the pair before Max took off running through the crowd. Earning a couple of annoyed glances in his direction.

Charles desperately wanted to run after him but was stopped by Pierre. 'Just wait a minute you don't wanna cost a scene' he said as he looked him in the eyes. But Charles only looked over his shoulder as the counterpart of Max's conversation walked by and looked straight at him. Charles just couldn't read what was in his eyes. This was a look he couldn't place.

They were now joined by Daniel and Lando aswel. 'Okay can somebody please explain what is going on here?' Alex asked as Charles sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. 'I'll explain later okay, please excuse me' he said as he subtly tried to walk through the crowd in the direction Max seemed to have headed.

Charles was looking around through the hallways, the toilets and even at the wardrobe but he didn't see Max. So he made his way towards the exit of the building. 'Max where are you?' He called out. But he didn't hear or see anyone. So he tried again while he looked around the Louvre square. When he suddenly heard some seemingly Dutch curse words coming from a nearby alley.

'Wat denkt die achterlijke klootzak wel niet?!, arrgh' (what does that stupid Asshole even think?! Argh') the dutchman hissed in the alley. Charles slowly moved towards his boyfriend not wanting to set him off or scare him. 'Max, Maxy? Ar- are you okay?' He asked in the softest voice. Max turned around wide eyed before his posture relaxed as he saw that it was Charles standing in front of him.

'Wh- what happend there?' Charles tried again cause he still hadn't got an answer from his boyfriend.
'In sorry but I really don't want to talk about it right now' the dutchman sighed. 'That's okay Mon Cherie' he said as he carefully grabbed his hand. 'You wanna go back to the hotel?' Max just nodded at that. 'Okay let me just text Pierre that I've found you and we are going' he said as he quickly typed away on his phone.

As he looked up again he looked at Max and all of a sudden the boy looked exhausted. He slung his arm around him and gave him quick kiss on his nose. 'Common babe Lets go' he said as they made their way towards the hotel.

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