On endings and new beginnings

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Max had just put on the coffee pot as he plopped down next to His boyfriend on te couch. He rested his head on his shoulder and wrapped his arms around him. The monegasque in return was playing with his hair. When he placed a kiss on the Dutchman's head he looked up at him. Those ocean blue eyes wide. Shifting his gaze between his eyes and mouth. The monegasque couldn't help to bite his under lip and smile. This did it for Max as he placed his hand behind his boyfriend's neck to close the gap between them and kiss him passionately. His boyfriend was happy to reciprocate. Only when a moan escaped their lips and Max had his hands under his shirt Charles stopped him.
'Max, max stop' he giggled. 'Your father can be here any moment' he said though Max wasn't really receiving his message as he said 'so?' before started kissing his neck. Charles almost gave in as he leaned back before coming to his senses again as he snorted. 'Do you want to give the man a heart attack?' Smiling at the dutchman as he pushed him back by his shoulders a little. Max groaned. 'Sometimes you are such a buzzkill you know?' He exclaimed jokingly. Right as the doorbell of his apartment buzzed. 'No that is a buzzkill' the monegasque smiled at him dimples visible. 'Yeah but we will finish this later' Max said as he lightly bit on Charles's under lip with a smile before he made his way towards the door giving a wink before he went in to the hallway. He adjusted his clothes and hair in front of the mirror letting out one last sigh before he opened the door.

'Hi dad, common in' he said as he opened the door for his father. He hung his coat and scarf on the coatrack before he followed his son in to the living room. As he saw Charles sitting on the couch he stalled. 'Uhm hi' he said as he rubbed his neck awkwardly. 'Hi' the monegasque replied as calmly as possible. 'I uhm- I owe you an apology' the older dutchman said as he stepped towards the Monegask. 'I shouldn't have pushed you that night' he said as he hold out his hand. Though the monegasque was still recusant to take it. This didn't go unnoticed by Jos. 'I'm sorry, and I'm sorry it took me two years to apologize' as he moved his held out hand a little to make a point. Charles recusantly shook it.

'So dad do you want coffee? And you can have a seat' Max broke the tension between both.
'Yes I would like that' the older dutchman replied as he sat down on the chair opposite from the big couch Charles was sitting on the coffee table standing between them.
To break the awkwardness they began to talk about the weather until max returned from from te kitchen with their coffee's. He handed them out before he finally took a seat close next to Charles whom he intertwined his fingers with. He casually went on with their conversation about the weather while he sipped on his coffee.

After a little while the pair noticed Jos's gaze was fixed on something in between the pair as his shoulders were tense. They simultaneously looked at the spot what seemed to be their hands before they briefly looked at each other. Max felt Charles hand pulling away but he was quick to tighten his hold and give his hand a little squeeze not letting him go.

'What?' He asked his father
'No nothing' his father replied with a shrug of his shoulders not meeting his gaze.
'If you want this to work you have to talk dad' he said as he kept starring at him.
'It's nothing, I just have to get used to that' still not meeting his gaze. This irritated max.
'To what dad?' Annoyance hearable in his voice.
His father now looked at him.
'To that' he said as he nodded in the direction of their hands.
'To what dad? To me holding Charles's hand? My boyfriend?!' He asked annoyed.
'Yes to that' he sighed 'that why I didn't want to tell you cause I knew it would upset you' Max's gaze softened a little bit at that. 'I'm just not used to it Max, and I'm really trying but it's just not what I envisioned when you were born so I have to let go of that, and I am letting go of that but I'm just not their yet as of now. But I will get there, I want to get there' he said as he looked up to the pair.

Max looked at his boyfriend before he looked at his father again as he sighed. 'Okay, I guess I wanted you to tell me so' as he let a silence fall between them. 'But don't expect me or him to act differently around you'
'That seems only fair' his father smiled at them with a small smile.

The rest of the morning was filled with easier conversations and a little bit more background on the last 2 years. Of course the older Dutchman had been in the paddock at races but he never really connected again with the pair. They had a lot of time to make up for.
Their meet up ended up being way longer than planned so Jos ended up leaving around 3 p.m.
'Well thank you Max.. and Charles ofcourse! for today' he said with a smile as he put on his coat and scarf. The couple nodded friendly back at him. 'I hope we can spend the next holidays as a family again' he sighed as he turned around to open the door.
The couple briefly exchanged glances and as Max nodded Charles spoke up.
'Jos wait' the Dutchman turned around curiously looking around thinking he forgot something. 'What did I forget?' He asked feelings his pocket's this made the couple snort. 'Your invitation' Charles smiled at him.
'My- my invitation? My invitation for what?' He asked curiously.
'Well we talked about this beforehand and well.., we talked about if today went well we would maybe invite you to the family dinner we had planned tonight' he smiled. Not filling him in on the details that if Max and Charles felt comfortable enough to invite him that Sophie wanted to make sure he was sensire with everything. Also she would just love for all the Verstappen siblings to have one holiday together.
'Really?' Jos asked surprised
'Yes really' Charles replied smiling
The older Dutchman thanked the couple again before he went on his way.

'Well that went better then expected' Charles sighed as he wrapped his arms around his boyfriends shoulders.
'Yes I guess it did' Max replied as he put his arms around his waist. 'I still hope it is as genuine as we think though...' before he kissed the monegasque's lips.
'Mhhh. Yeah me to' he replied as he kissed back. Lacing his fingers through the blonde locks of the dutchman.
''You know I suddenly remembered something' the dutchman smiled as he pulled the monegasque closer by his waist.
He grinned against his lips. ' oh yeah? And what is that Maxy?'
'Ill help you remember' he grinned as he pulled up his boyfriends legs around his waist as he pushed him against the nearest wall his lips never leaving his.

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