Family Christmas gathering

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'Babe, your phone keeps buzzing!' Charles shouted through his appartement From the kitchen were he was making breakfast to Max who's was washing away this mornings remains in the bathroom. 'Yeah I'll be right there!' Max had answered him back.
Max had slept at Charles's apartment so they could go for Christmas lunch at Charles's grandparents who only lived two blocks away. And for the first time they would have dinner with both of their family's as Max's mother, sister and her boyfriend would fly in today and would stay till newyears.

After a couple of minutes Max entered the kitchen dressed in dressed pant with his white shirt hanging open around his torso hair still wild from drying it with a towel Charles let his eyes wonder over his boyfriends well toned body. He was brought back to reality as Max spoke up. 'My eyes are up here Leclerc' he said with a smirk. Eventhough a rosy colour made it to his cheeks he quickly shot back. 'My apartment so I choose were I look' he said with a failed attempt of a wink. 'Creep!' Max said as he stook out his tongue. 'You wouldn't want it any other way' Charles said as he hugged his boyfriend. 'True' Max quickly agreed as he closed the distance between them.

'Bzzzzzz bzzzzz' his phone went lying on the countertop.

'Its not a secret lover is it?' Charles joked as he let go of his boyfriend so he could go to his phone. 'Ofcourse not Charlie, and I'm sorry but I don't really think that's funny' he said a bit sad and agitated. 'Besides it's probably my dad again' he said with a huff as he picked up his phone. 'Like I said, my dad' he said as he went to sit down and started his breakfast.

Charles just watched him. 'How long has this been going on?' He asked the dutchman who shrugged. 'Since the night of the gala I guess' as he took another scoop of oatmeal in his mouth. 'Why didn't you tell me babe?' He asked. Now Max looked up at him. 'What do you mean why didn't I tell you? I did tell you!' Not understanding we're the Monegask was talking about. 'I knew he texted you a bit since then, but this is quite a lot Mon Chou. That thing has been going off for at least four times this hour!' He said as he placed his hand over the Dutchman's. Who looked up again. 'That's just how he is, persistent until he gets his way' he said as he took the last spoon of breakfast before he stood up and placed a kiss on his boyfriend's temple. 'Thankyou for making breakfast Schatje, I'm going to get ready now cause we have to leave for your grandparents in 20 minutes' he said as he disappeared towards the bathroom.

They had a fun lunch at his grandparents eating some of the best made sandwiches Charles's grandmothers was known for. It was a easy recipe but so delicious. Charles's grandmother kept pinching Max's checks during the whole visit giving remarks like: 'Honey, this one keeps on getting hotter every time I see him' 'ooh you get broader every time I see you!' We're Charles could only answer back. 'Hands off grandma! He's mine!' With his signature dimpled grin.

Afterwards the couple drove towards the airport, they were sitting there quietly before Charles choose to speak up. 'I know you don't want to talk about it Mon Chou, but you know I'm here for you right?' He said as he looked at him while Max kept his eyes on the road. 'I know that schatje, I just didn't want you to worry cause this is what he does and I'm used to it' he said as he quickly glanced sideways and patted his boyfriends knee. 'Okay' he said as he intertwined there fingers knowing fine well that pushing for more would only offset the dutchman. They waited only a couple of minutes before his mother, sister and her boyfriend appeared out of the airport and took a seat on the backseat of the Dutchman's car as they made their way to the Leclerc household.

'Mom, we are here!' Charles shouted from the hallway of his mothers house as he took of his coat and put his scarf on the wardrobe before he helped Sophie with her coat. 'What a gentleman Charles' she had smiled at him. Before Victoria chimed in. 'Cant you teach my brothers some manners aswell?' She said with a smirk. 'I thought you have a boyfriend now who can help you with you coat Vic' Max joked back playfully as her boyfriend in question turned bright red. Max apologised to him right after 'sorry mate' as he patted his shoulder.

On that moment Charles's mother entered the hallway and greeted the group with a hug. 'Ooh Sophie, how nice to see you again! Who would have thought?' Both mom's clearly had a better relationship then the boys or their fathers back in the day.

After they first drank some hot chocolate milk. Even though the couple and Arthur insisted that they couldn't for obvious reasons they settled for one mug each. As they just chatted around and did some games. They settled on the dinner table.

After dinner everyone was seated around in the living room area as Victoria took place next to Max. 'Hey brother, have you spoken to dad yet?' Max obviously talked about the encounter in Paris once with his sister via text but that was only once last month so he was a bit surprised by his sister. 'No why?' The dutchman said with a raised eyebrow. 'Well I actually spoke to dad' she said carefully. 'But why?' Max asked loudly feeling a little betrayed by his sister eventhough he also felt bad cause he doesn't want to forbid her anything. His loud respone earned the attention from the rest in the room as they now all looked towards the Dutch siblings. 'I'm sorry guys I was just surprised please go on' he motioned with a smile before he turned towards his sister again. She then explained to him why she had talked to him and what about. Afterwards she made him promise that he at least would think about it. 'Okay I will' he had said before he joined Charles, Arthur and Tom at the bigger table.

The rest of the evening was filled with easy banter and chatter before it was far past midnight and time for the Dutch family to go to Max's apartment for the night.

That night Max had trouble falling asleep only when Charles had full body hugged him with his head on his chest he was able to catch some sleep as he felt grounded.

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