A simply lovely hangover?

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Tringggg, trinnnnng, triinnng

"Aaaah fuck" Charles groaned while rubbing his eyes at the terrible high sound of Max's alarm. Pulling the blanket further over his head to block out the extra sound and light.

Tringggg, trinnnnng, triinnng

"Uuuugh make it stop" he groaned again.

Tringggg, trinnnnng, triinnng

As it kept going off but there wasn't any movement from beside him, he looked out over his blanket with squinting eyes as the light was still to much. He saw Max was curled in his sheets with his head hidden under the pillow.

Tringggg, trinnnnng, triinnng

He pulled of the pillow and started pushing his limbs in Max's direction. "Max!" He groaned "Max! Make it fucking stop!"
He hears a disgruntled groan before the terrible sound finally stops and he falls back on the bed again. But to his dismay Max does too.
"No, you are not going to fall back to sleep , you have some interviews to attend" he says as he pushes his feet against Max's back trying to push him out.
"It's fine they can do it without me" he mumbles in the pillow and Charles can't help but snort "I don't think the world champion interview can be done, without you know, the world champion?"

Max now turns so he is watching Charles "that sounds so sexy out of your mouth" as he moves up to kiss his boyfriend he quickly lays down again. "This fucking hangover...." He groan's as he lays his hand over his eyes. "It wouldn't be nice if they wouldn't plan this the day after, I'm sure they know the champions go out to celebrate..."
"Well do something about is as world champion. So when I win, I don't have to deal with this" Charles says as he pulls the blanket over his head again.
"But you need to get out or you will be late" he eventually sighed.
"I knowwwww" as Max gets up with a groan heading for the shower

As he returns from the shower he sees Charles is already back to sleep, really he couldn't blame him. He'd too would much rather sleep off his hangover then sit in the shining lights of the interview set up. Though the reasons for these interviews were good so he decided not to mind so much as he couldn't change it anyway.

In the corner of the room he spots that Charles had got him breakfast a water bottle and some painkillers. As he reads the added note he smiled "to survive today Mon Champion, je t'aime"

He eats his breakfast before he kisses Charles on his sleeping head "ik hou ook van jou" as he heads out the door.


It's already past 8 in the evening when Max returns to the hotel, it's been a long day, especially carrying this massive hangover with him. Though it's one of the best hangovers he's ever had, this one was worth its while. He waves his father, who had accompanied him today, goodbye. Who in return wishes him a good night sleep with a laugh.

In the room Charles is already waiting for him. Dressed in joggers and a cosy hoodie. As he kisses him when he enters he hand Max a pair too. "We're going to relax tonight, dinner will be here in half an hour. So you can shower first if you like" he smiles. And Max does just so, grateful for Charles as he knows exactly what he needs.

The rest of the evening is filled with easy chatter in front of the tv while they eat the pizza Charles ordered for them. Charles even got him a pizza hawaii, though he grimaced when Max takes a bite of the with pineapple clad pizza. And Max just laughs though he doesn't forget to thank him for his "special gift"

As Max got them another round of drinks while he plops down again Charles bites his lower lip and Max immediately notices. "What is it?" He asks curiously.
"Did you mean it?"he asks blushing.
"Did I mean what exactly?" He asks scooting closer towards his boyfriend.
"You know... what you said ... before we went sleeping this morning?" He ask shyly.
As he ask a smile turns on his lips.
"Yes I did" he smiles before he frowns "did you?" He now asks a bit insecure.
Charles notices an quickly reassures the dutchman "yes of course I did" he smiles as he grabs Max's hand and kisses the back of it.
"Good" Max smiles again. "Though we maybe should talk about how we want it?"
Charles sighes "yes, I guess we should"

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