Fia prize giving 2019 (part one)

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' I can't believe you are nominated for your overtake on me but not my overtake on you, it was just as good' Charles huffed grumpy as he was buttoning up his shirt in front of the Parisian hotel room mirror. Max appeared behind him as he put the bow tie around his neck. As he placed his head next to him. 'That ...babe, is because you pushed me wide and I still overtook you a corner later' he winked in the mirror. 'Beside you have to admit that was a hot move' he said in his ear. Charles had placed his hand on his left tigh. As he smiled up to him. 'Admittedly from a racing lover perspective, that was indeed a hot overtake' he said was he turned around and wrapped his arms around the other one's shoulders. 'Still think this his hotter though' he said as he seductively kissed his lover. 'Oh is that s..' knock, knock' they quickly broke apart as they heard the knock on the door.

'Hey Max , it's Christian and Helmut, open up!' They heard from the other side of the door. ' the couple looked at the other shocked not expecting the Redbull pair at the hotel. 'Quick bathroom!' Max whispered as he pushed Charles towards the bathroom door. 'Just a sec! Just putting on a shirt!' Max tried to say as calmly as possible. As he was sure that Charles was in the bathroom he opens the door for his team principal and advisor.

'Hey guys, what are you doing here I thought we would meet at the venue??' Max then asked. 'Yes we would but we were done already and we were in the hotel next to this one so we came to say hi' Christian said As Helmut chimmed in. 'Besides we think you are a a shoe in for that overtake on that awkward Frenchmen' Max tried to control himself. 'He is Monegask Helmut, and he is not awkward either' he replied calmly as Christian just smiled at him with a weird glint in his eyes as Helmut replied 'he is the competition' Max sighed 'I know but criticism on his racing fine, just don't see the point for throwing mud on someone besides their racing' he looked pointedly as his team advisor. 'You were raised well Max' Christian said as he turned the conversation back to tonight's event.

After about 10 minutes of chatting he bid his goodbyes to the young dutchman and said they would see him at te venue. Before the Redbull pair was out of hearing reach he heard a Helmut say to Christian. 'What is it with this younger generation, in my time when I raced with Nikki and such we did everything to get in the others heads' 'Helmut, most of these kids grew up together as friends it's different from our time' Christian sighed. 'Max and Leclerc friends?' The Redbull advisor snorted 'I'm pretty sure they aren't friends!' Christian smiled a smal smile at him. 'I think you might be right about that' as they made their way out of the hotel towards the venue.

As Max was positive they where gone he quickly opened the bathroom door so Charles could come out again. 'Well that was close' he laughed as he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend again. 'Yeah almost to close' he smiled back at him as he closed the distance between them. 'So where were we?' Charles smiled as he pulled the dutchman closer nibbling on his lower lip when they heard again a knock on the door. 'Arrgh for fuck sake!' Max growled against his lips. Charles quickly made his way in to the bathroom again was Max made his way towards the door. Luckily it was only room service this time. So he quickly helped to roll the trolley in as he tried to talk the hotel employee out of his room as quickly as he came.

'You can come out babe dinner is here' on that Charles exited his hiding spot for the second time that evening. 'Mmmmh smells good! I'm hungry' he smiled as he lifted of the lid of the plate.
''Hungry for food or for me' max replied as he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend from behind 'is both also an okay answer?' He asked cheeky as he turned his head towards him. Max grinned back at him. 'I should be offended but it does smell really good doesn't it?' 'Yeah it does so maybe we should eat before we have to leave already?' 'Yeah that's probably for the best.' So the couple went to sit down on the bed as they started eating.

They just finished there last bites when there was another knock on the hotelroom door. 'Seriously what is it with people disturbing us tonight?!' Charles growled as he rolled his eyes making his way to the bathroom again. Max opened the door for a third time this evening. 'Seb?' He asked As he saw the German standing in front of his door. 'What are you doing here?' He asked a bit perplexed not sure why he would get a visite from him. Sebastian Just smiled at him as he walked passed Max in to the hotel room. 'I'm looking for Charles actually' he replied matter of factly. Max felt his face heat up as he rubbed his neck. 'Why would Charles be here?' He said trying to keep his voice at bay but failing terribly. 'Common Max, I know he is here or were you eating from two plates of your own and you just happend to borrow the sweater that I bought for him as a welcome to Ferrari gift?' He smirked.

At that statement Max turned beet red and felt panic starting in his body. So as fast as he turned red he turned pale. He felt caught and exposed. What would this mean for their careers?! Sebastian who noticed the sudden change was quick to approach the young dutchman. 'Hey max, breathe! Your secret is safe with me I promise!' Charles who had been listening from behind the bathroom door couldn't stand it anymore and made his way quickly towards his boyfriend, knowing how bad Max's anxiety could get even though the last two years he barely had them. 'Maxy breathe your okay, we're okay' he breathed in his ear as he put his arm around him. Sebastian was also trying to calm him down rubbing circles on his back.

After a couple of minutes Max was breathing normally again. Though Sebastian Still wanted to make sure that he would not freak out again. 'I meant it Max, really your secret is safe with me' he said. 'Eventhough it would make it a little easier to know what secret exactly I'm keeping so I don't overstep or say something wrong' he said curiously as he had his assumptions about what their secret was.

The couple looked at eachother. Max gave a nod towards his boyfriend as to tell Charles it was okay if he told Sebastian. At that Charles grabbed his hand and gave it a little squeeze looking in Max's tired eyes before turning to Sebastian. 'Max is my Boyfriend, we... we are boyfriend's' he said as he turned pink. 'I figured' The German driver said fondly. 'Bu- but how?' Charles asked him. 'I saw you two in spa in the Ferrari conference room, and I might have overheard a part of you guys's conversation' the couple looked at each other before they remembered Seb helped them out of the paddock that dreadful day almost four months ago. But they forgot about that completely after the devastating news about Anthoine.

'B- but that's almost four months?!' Max said perplexed as Charles chimed in 'why haven't you said anything?' His eyes wide in disbelief. 'Well at that time it wasn't really the right time to bother you with that' he smiled 'and well I figured you would tell me when you were ready,  it's not my place to ask that from you guys' 'but why did you came here then?' Charles asked. 'Well because I was coming to get you cause there was I little change in the pick up schedule but you didn't reply to the message's' 'oh' Charles smiled awkwardly. 'But now that I know, tell me how long has this been going on?' As he motioned his hand between the pair. 'A little over two years' Max smiled now proudly. Now Sebastian's eyes turned comically wide suprised by the Dutchman's answer 'b-but? WHAT? HOW?' The German obviously shocked that it was already so long.
They continued to chat for a little bit, also answering Sebastians questions about Max's anxiety before both the Ferrari drivers had to leave for the gala. Before Max was picked up himself.

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