The build up

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It was now Early June and it had became known to the world that Formula one would be racing again. Though an alternative Calendar and without spectators but at least they found a way to make it work. COVID protocols in place.

This also meant that they needed to start properly training again. Pre season training was always different then during the season. So that's exactly what the couple did most mornings. Charles went to the gym to train with Andrea, and the days that Brad was in Monaco he trained with Max at home or they went for a run.

After months of living together and not having to get out of the house like ever, it took some getting used to for the couple. They had become so familiar with the other that they practiced like a well oiled machine. Now that their schedules weren't that compatible anymore they had to find a way again to make it work. Tough both weren't complaining. They were crazy about each other, but both at least as passionate about racing so they couldn't wait to begin again.

As expected Brad had seen the kiss during the digital meeting. But apparently he had his suspicion's even longer. Luckily for Max he didn't make a big deal about it.

Though the way this became known to Max was in hindsight quite funny, Charles was packing his bag for the training with Andrea, but when he got a call he forgot to put his Ferrari branded shirt in his bag. As he walked out the door still calling.

Brad had seen the shirt laying around on the kitchen counter and with his prior knowledge had teased Max a bit. Acting shocked with the question if he would leave Redbull. Max admitted with rosy cheeks the truth about the shirt. Obviously then Brad had told him he knew.

Their days were filled with this, and if possible they hang out together or with friends and family as far as was possible, travel restrictions still a thing. They wanted to make the most of it. Cause the alternative season had 17 races in a cramped shorter period of time.

Midway June Charles had been back in the factory in Maranello for the last changes on the car as the season would officially kick of in two weeks. As he returned to Monaco after a week he took a sigh before he opened the door to their apartment.

It was early in the morning as Charles had left Italy the night before.
Max wasn't up yet so Charles went in to the bedroom. Like expected Max was still fast asleep. His arms curled around Charles's pillow, his mouth slightly open as he was snoring softly. The golden hue of the morning light reflecting on his skin.

The monegasque decided to just lay next to him for a while. His head resting on his arms as Max still held Charles's pillow tight. He couldn't help himself but trace his fingertips over the Dutchman's arm. As he let his mind wander. Hoping he could safe this moment as a memory forever.

After about half an hour Max started to startle a little signalling he was slowly waking up. As he yawned he opened his eyes with a loving smile on his lips.

'Hey' he said his voice groggy. 'You're home'
'Hey, yes I'm home' he smiled as well.

Max let go of Charles's pillow that was separating them as he scooted closer. Linking their fingers and their noses almost touching.

'How was Italy?' He asked curiously.
'Yeah, it was okay' Charles said with a unreadable expression on his face as he averted his eyes from Max.
'Hey what is it schatje?' The dutchman asked him, surprised by his boyfriends demeanour.
Charles looked up in his eyes keeping eye contact for a couple of seconds before he averted his eyes again and let out a sigh.
'The car sucks' he told his boyfriend.
'But I can't tell you' he added.
'Ow, I'm sorry lief that sucks' Max could only reply to that.

'But let's not talk about that, let's go enjoy the time we have For Brad is here again. You want breakfast?' He said as went to stand up next to their bed.
'Yeah, I'm hungry' he smiled at him.
'You go shower and get ready, then I'll make breakfast for us' Charles proposed.

'You don't wanna join me? Max winked as he wrapped his arms around his shoulders as he went to kiss his cheek.
Charles pushed him back a little to stop him.
'As much as that is a very good offer, I have to meet Andrea in an hour so we can't'
'Sad' Max pouted though a small smile peaking through.
'Next time?' He then asked.
'Yeah next time' Charles gave him a smile as he pushed Max towards the shower and himself towards the bedroom door.

As Max entered the kitchen after 20 minutes he was quick to comment on the sweet smell lingering in the kitchen.

'Mmhhh, what are you making love? This smells so good!' He said as he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend from behind as he peeked over his shoulder to see what he was making.
'Protein waffles' he replied as he got one waffle out of the iron and put another in.

Max started to kiss his neck as Charles held up a fork with a piece of waffle on it.
'Here try, but watch out it's still hot!' He said as he brought the fork towards the Dutchman's mouth.
As he chewed on the waffle Max let out some noises of approval.
'Mmmhh, this is so good' he said with his mouth still half full.
Charles smiled slightly at him. 'Close your mouth you pig' as he turned around to go clean the kitchen.
To Max something felt off, his boyfriend a bit distant.

Max pulled at his arm to turn him around again
'Hey babe, I know you're sad about the car, but I'm sure you will make the best of it, you always do! You drove in worse cars before!' he tried to cheer him up as he wrapped his arms around his waist.
Charles smiled at him again, this time more genuine as he wrapped his own arms around his neck.
'Yes I guess you are right' Charles replied. As he kissed him back.

Wildest dreams || Charles Leclerc x Max Verstappen (lestappen)Where stories live. Discover now