Golden as i open my eyes

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Max woke up when rays of sunlight were creeping through the curtain of Charles's bedroom. Creating a illuminating hue of orange and gold around his sleeping boyfriends form. His hair dishevelled from the night before. His lips slightly parted as he softly snored. Max couldn't help but admire the creature in front of him. While he softly traced from his shoulder to his upper arm with a feather light touch he couldn't help to close his eyes and think back on the night before.

He had never felt so ready and so afraid at the same time. The words that where printed in to him still lingered. But damn how he loved this boy.
When they had made their way to the bedroom and Charles had stood there a bit unsure before zoning out a little. He was afraid that the Monegask wasn't so sure he wanted to be with him anyway. So that's why he quickly started blabbering and telling him he didn't have to if he didn't want to. To his own relief it wasn't that the Monegask didn't want to but that he was just as scared and inexperienced as he was himself.

When they decided to explore this together he had felt so much more at ease. Even as the Monegask had stripped him down to only his underwear. But when the Monegask took of his own including his underwear, laying next to him in his birthday suit he panicked a bit. The Monegask was absolutely gorgeous. His hair spiking up in different directions. His entire body perfectly toned and let's just say very gifted down under. As much as he loved the sight it made him insecure. Feeling like he wasn't good enough for the man beside him. Charles was gorgeous and well.. he was just himself. He knew that he wasn't the best looking chap out their. He'd seen the comments enough. To fat, to chubby. A frog face, just ugly. He couldn't believe that the monegask who practically looked like he was written from a novel, would fall for someone like him. Just simply plain Max. But as fast as those thoughts came the Monegask exactly knew how to make him feel good again and let those thoughts be banned to the back of his mind for now.

And when he touched him, well he could still feel the tingling of his touch. And after he even stunned himself when he positioned himself between his tighs. 'Fuck I'm really doing this' he had thought. 'Okay calm down Max, just try what you like yourself and pay attention' lucky for him Charles seemed to enjoy it just as much.

But when the time came he panicked a bit again. Not sure on how to continue now. Would he top, would he bottom, he definitely didn't want to hurt his boyfriend. That thought alone scared him so much. He knew he wasn't perceived as the nicest, an aggressive person if you will, not only cause his family history. He so badly wanted to prove to his boyfriend that he wasn't like that!
So he was glad that Charles wanted to take the lead.
He appreciated how careful he was with him. And that they took every step together.

When he felt his boyfriend stirr beside him he opened is eyes again. Charles really looked golden. The golden sunlight reflecting on his slightly tanned body. In that moment the Monegask yawned as he slowly opened his eyes. Smiling as he saw the dutchman looking at him with loving eyes. 'Good morning Maxy, how long have you been watching me?' He smiled was he rubbed his eyes. 'Not to long, just when I heard you stirring awake' he smiled as he placed a kiss on his boyfriend's nose.
'Come we should shower, we stink' he said smirking as he grabbed his a boyfriends hand as he made his way towards the shower.

Max had just put the shower on waiting for it to get warm as he looked in the mirror examining the hickeys and scratches his boyfriend has left on his neck and torso the night before. The monagask appearing behind him as he circled his waist from behind him as he placed a Kiss on his cheek before he rested his head on the Dutchman's shoulder. 'We look good together don't we?' He asked smiling. Max now turned his back now against the counter of the sink still circled by the Monegask his arms as he placed his arms on his shoulders as he softly played with his hair between his fingers. 'Yes, yes we do' he smiled as he placed a kiss on the Monegask lips. 'And I think I wanna show that off more' he smiled as he kissed him again. 'Let's talk about it over breakfast' Charles replied with a smile as he connected their lips once more. Before they went in the shower and enjoyed the warm water running over their body's. Sneeking in some kisses from time to time.

About an hour later they were dressed in their workout clothes as they both needed to work out today. Sitting at the diner table of Charles's apartment munching on their breakfast. They had dicided that after almost a year of being together that it was time to let some of their friends know. Ofcourse their parents knew as well as their siblings. But other then that they last year had decided to keep in under wraps. Figuring this out for them self before they endangered their secret getting out in to the world. And well, they did a pretty good job. But after almost a year they were sure this was something for the long run. So they dicided that they wanted to tell it to their closest friend.
Max was going to tell: Martijn, Daniel and Lando and two of his childhood friends Dave and Tom while Charles's had dicided on: Pierre, Anthoine and his friends: Joris, Nico, Ricardo, and Guizou.

They planned to invite their friends to a music festival in Ibiza after the last race in Singapore before they have to fly to Russia. Max new that Martijn did a show there and asked if he could get 12 VIP passes. He had happily agreed. Excited to see Max again after a couple of months as they didn't see each other so much both on a thight schedule all over the world. Martijn had been curious about why Max asked for 12 passes their friend group not being that big. Max had replied with a wink for a friend and his friends who were massive Fans of the Dutch dj. Before he texted that he would explain later.

When Max got the confirmation from Martijn for the tickets they both quickly messaged their group chats to invite their friends for their little friend Holliday.

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