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Max heard the phone ringing against his ear, it went over once, twice and a third time before he heard a slightly cracking noice signaling it was being picked up. Max felt his body trembling with anticipation that was to come.

Why did that stupid text didn't send? his phone always works accept for now, why?! It was not that he was ashamed of his relationship, maybe a long time ago he was because of what he learned growing up. But lately he had felt so confident and proud about himself, about Charles and about them. Making it work even though the field they are working in. The support from their mothers, brothers and sister, their friends and even rebuilding his relationship with his dad. But that was all in the confinements of their own little bubbles , their own homes.

This slip up he was afraid could ruin his job, not his job... his dream... their dream... from when they were little f1 was always the dream, the goal. Winning a championship even more. And now that they were so close to it they might have ruined it by one single little slip up from their own home. What would his boss say? Would he still have a job? If they actually saw it was Charles? Will they tell Ferrari?

Max was only brought back from his spiraling thoughts running 500 miles an hour as he felt his Boyfriend's hand being placed on his knee, watching him with big eyes mouthing to him. 'It's okay' though he didn't seem so convincing like he normally was. And there was his team bosses voice in his ear that he only registered just now.

'Hello Max, it's Christian'

'Max are you there?'



As the dutchman finally remembered how to speak again he answered his team boss.

'Uh , yeah sorry uhm... Christian I- I'm -I'm here' he stuttered out.

'Good' the English man replied.

Max didn't really know what to say so hè stayed silent for a couple of seconds though it felt like hours for him.

'So? I- I guess you wanted to - wanted to talk?' He asked his boss.
'Yes, I think it's good that we talk' his team boss replied calmly which confused Max a little. Why didn't he sound angry?

'Sooo... I guess you saw me kissing someone?' He asked trying to figure out how much he had seen.
'Yes I did' he almost thought he heard his team boss smiling though the phone. Though that was probably just his imagination trying to make it hurt less het thought to himself.

'What exactly did you see ?' Max decided to ask ripping of the bandaid.
'I saw you kissing someone in your home, it looked quite domestic, like you been together for i while, so I guess this person lives with you or has at least a key to your appartement?' His team boss pointed out.

Max let out a sigh of relief, Christian said person so he hadn't seen it was Charles? Or even a guy?
'I guess I should have told you I was in a relationship' the dutchman let out another sigh as he started playing with Charles fingers who were still resting on his knee.

'It's your private life Max, I understand that you want some things for yourself in this crazy world' Christian said calm and reassuring. This brought a little smile on the Dutchman's lips.

'So your not mad at me?' He asked unsure.
'No Max, why would I be mad that you are in love? As far as I'm concerned it didn't affect your racing' he countered the Dutchman's question.
The dutchman now relaxed his shoulders a little before his team boss spoke up again.
'Though it would have been a bit easier if You had told me you are in to guys' at that Max's thoughts started to spiral again. Shit Christian did know, he interpreted the conversation all wrong. Ofcourse Christian didn't like it. He probably didn't like it either that he didn't man up about it. Fuck!

'Max?' Christian had asked again as he assumed the dutchman had zoned out.

'Yeah...?' Max asked defeated.

'I don't think you heard what I just said' Max only stayed quite at that.

'I said it would have been easier if I'd known so I could protect you or set things in motion if needed. But that I get that you didn't and that you wanted protect this in your own bubble. And that I hope that you know that I wouldn't be mad at you and that I support you' this got Max quite for a whole other reason.

'Max?' His team principal asked again.

'Yeah I'm here..' May replied quietly. 'What you said.. it- it just really means a lot'
'No worry's Max' the English man easily replied.

'Though I think it's a good idea if we talk some things through? So I know what you want and that we can make sure things go your way'

'Thank you Christian' Max managed to say.

In the meantime Charles mouthed towards him 'does he know it's me?' Were Max mouthed back 'I don't think so, but I don't know'

'We would have a meeting tomorrow in Monaco anyway, how about I pick you up from your apartment before and we talk then?' His team principal proposes.

'Yeah that sound alright' Max replied to him.

'Good then it's settled, see you...' Christian started before Max interrupted him.
'Christian?' He asked.
'Yes, what is it Max?'
'What did Helmut and the others see? And w-what did they say?' He asked unsure.
'I don't think anyone else saw except for Brad, and he didn't say anything about it. The rest was still focused on Raymond's dog story and as quickly as I noticed I muted your recording and mic.' Max let out a sigh of relief.
'Thank you again Christian' Max told his teamboss.
'Don't worry about it Max, everything will be fine' he reassured his driver.

'See you tomorrow Max!'
'Yeah, see you tomorrow!'
'And Max?'
'Yes? What is it Christian?'

'Tell Charles I said hi!' And with that he hung up.

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