TEN || J5A5F4

124 11 135

Jungkook stares at the empty chair ahead of him.

He's been cuffed to the table for what seems like more than half an hour now and nobody's come to see him since Jimin left a while ago.

He feels lonely and left out.

What are they discussing behind the mirror?

The door opens with a screech and Jungkook sits up when someone he doesn't recognize walks in with a jug of water and a glass in his hands.

His black wavy hair falls over his temples, almost hooding his eyes from the side. His chin is strongly defined and his eyelids make it look like he's completely at peace with everything happening around him.

The man places the jug and glass on the table, filling the small container with water. He pulls the glass to his lips and takes a sip before placing it on the table, pushing it in front of Jungkook.

Jungkook watches him do whatever he just did with raised brows.

"It's for you," the man says.

Jungkook nods and shifts uncomfortably under the man's intense gaze. He brings the glass to Jungkook's lips and Jungkook complies.

If it's poisoned, they both die.

Not that Taehyung would try to kill him.

Jungkook drinks the cool liquid, letting it soothe his insides and rush down his throat, calming him down almost immediately. The hazel-eyed man pulls the glass away from Jungkook once it's empty and gently places it down on the table.

The man leans closer to Jungkook's face, gritting his teeth. "Behave."

Jungkook leans back and presses his lips into a thin line, his eyes wide with innocence.

The man takes hold of Jungkook's left wrist and pins it behind the chair swiftly, earning a grunt from Jungkook. His hand is cuffed to the back of the chair, leaving him in an awkward position with one hand cuffed to the table and the other behind him.

"What the hell?" Jungkook yells in jug-man's face. "I was co-operating!"

The man turns towards the open door to walk out and Jungkook is about to yell at him again when another man in the doorway makes his breath hitch in his throat.

Holy shit.

His half-red, half-blue hair perfectly complements his gleaming, black suit, almost distracting attention from the honey skin and doe eyes on his face. His lips set in a frown hollow his cheeks and allow his thick, furrowed brows to stand out against his big, slender nose.

The man stares at the wall with his chest puffed out, his hands collapsed behind his head held high, demanding Jungkook's will at his whim.

Jungkook's heart hammers in his ears, his legs and arms growing sensitive to the cold around him, the hairs on his neck standing on edge. Despite just downing a glass of water, his throat goes dry, his breath stuck in his lungs.

Jungkook tries to stand, forgetting he's cuffed and falls back down on the seat, not even paying attention to the twisting pain in his wrist as jug-man walks out past the leader of Ruby and Sapphire.


Taehyung walks in, closing the door behind him, not exchanging a word with Jungkook, who sits straight, eyes wide and lips parted, waiting for the elder to say something.

Jungkook so desperately wants to hear his voice again.

Is it still hoarse from when we were teenagers? How deep did it become? Or is it light?

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