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Jungkook splashes cold water onto his face, staring at himself in the mirror as the water droplets drip down his face, and into the sink.

A couple of hours ago, he took a shower and then Jimin had a suit sent to his room. It was probably the most fashionable thing Jungkook has ever imagined himself in.

He straightens the collar and breathes in a few times, trying to push Taehyung's frail mental state to the back of his mind.

There's no way in hell Taehyung will be able to survive through the meeting if J-hope knows all his weaknesses. Jungkook needs to have a backup plan for when that happens.

Hell, J-hope probably also knows he has DID and could tell him just to ruin his life.

Messed up.

Shit is messed up.

Jungkook splashes cold water onto his face again.

Even though he was born into a Christian family, Jungkook hasn't actively prayed or trusted God since his teen years.

But he's desperate now.

If there's a God out there, Jungkook prays for Him to be by Taehyung's side during the entirety of the day.


Yeonjun stares at his wrist-watch impatiently, tapping his foot as he stands at the top of the staircase in the center of Jimin's huge mansion. Black turtleneck peeking out from under a white button up shirt with a grey coat to go with it, Yeonjun combed his hair to fall over his forehead from the sides, giving him an air of elegance that is much expected from any member of Jewels.

He filled Soobin in on what Taehyung had planned a couple of hours ago so the younger could prepare himself for getting thrown around as a hostage.

Opposite to him, stands Timothée, who looks anything but worried as he leans against the railing, waiting for the leaders to come out of their rooms so they could leave. Timothee's hair hangs over the sides of his face, curling a bit. His black undershirt complements his skin and overall black suit. The coat has little gems decorating it all over which truly reflect the name of the organization he is a part of.

Yeonjun sighs and leans his head back, staring at the chandelier hanging above him.

Today is going to be one bump in the road after another.

First, Hoseok is coming over and who knows what condition he's going to leave Taehyung in after seeing Jisoo's body. Second, Taehyung's DID might cause other problems they aren't prepared for. Hoseok could go violent if Soobin is used as a hostage.

Secondly, there's the meeting with Taylor.

No one is ready for that.

After Taehyung killed Taylor's family, Taylor got revenge by brutally murdering Taehyung's, who were innocents. Both leaders were on disastrous terms with each other since then.

Jewels had snuck in about sixteen spies since then.

It's strange how they all reported that Taylor wanted an alliance.

All that brutality... and now she just wants to forget about it?

How even...?

Timothee stands up straight and Yeonjun sees him in his peripheral vision, following his movement.

He's left to stare wide-eyed as everyone else around him stops to stare as well.

Three men, at the top of the staircase, making their way down are the center of everyone's attention.

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