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Jungkook licks his lips and focuses on the code, ignoring how Taehyung is standing over him, hawking his every move. He can smell the elder's cologne every time he inhales.

Jungkook coughs and clicks his pen, writing away, filling the code according to Taehyung's realisation.                                

F5 o

J3 r

J5 t

F4 n

O4 y

J4 s

o J1 e r a t C4 F5 n - C3 a O3 F1 - rands


a F2 F2  -  J1 e r s o n n e F2   -  to   -  r e t O1 r n   -  to   -  a O1 C2 O1 s t   -  C4 F3 F3 e d C4 a t e F2 y  -  by   -   any   -    F3 e a n s   -   necessary XXX


s J1 r e a d   -   t C3 e   -    O3 o r d

t r a O2 e F2   X   C4 n    X    J1 a C4 r s


F1 C4 F2 F2   -   C2 e F3 s

r e O2 e a F2    -    O1 r    -   C4 d e n t C4 t y


Jungkook turns his head upwards to look at Taehyung, who's scrutinising the paper with a scowl on his face, his hands placed on his hips.

"Now... what?" Jungkook asks.

Taehyung inhales and licks his lips, "I'll see you in a couple of hours."


Taehyung turns on his heel and walks towards the door, "Keep all your notes ready."

Jungkook stares after him as the elder disappears behind the door after closing it. He blinks and sighs, turning his attention back to the code.

He can start deciphering the rest of the words that are guessable and try to figure it out from there.

It's something, right?


Jimin pokes his head through the doorway, staring at Taehyung pacing around his office, Jungkook visible through the television.

Upon sensing his presence, Taehyung looks at Jimin and nods in acknowledgement, "Come in."

Jimin walks in and closes the door behind him, "All red, huh?"

Taehyung runs a hand through his hair and smiles, "It looks better this way."

Jimin clicks his tongue, "I disagree."

"That's your opinion," Taehyung shrugs.

Jimin frowns.

That's not how Taehyung would react. He'd get upset and keep pouting till Jimin took his words back.

"Tae, are you okay?"

Taehyung keeps staring at Jungkook on the screen. The younger is scribbling through his notes, slamming his head on the table every few minutes.

Jimin sighs. He knows the drill. And he loathes it.

"Vante, what's going on?"

Taehyung smiles wide and claps his hands, "Everything's fly! Thanks for asking!"

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