King Jacques VS Ren.

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Jacques Schee: "I can't see why I'll be bothered with this nonsense."
JHcola: "You might wanna rethink that."
Before Jacques could reply. The screen popped on.

The man was in his mid-'50s, wearing a white shirt, and blue pants with the singer's grenades strapped to his belt. King Jacques looks like an extremely intimidating man with his only sword and most of all.
He glares straight at the Faunus soldier forces that are occupying the central palace.

Weiss, Winter, Adam, and Sienna Khan: "No way!"
Ironwood: "What's he doing there?"
Willow: "Oh my"
Whitely: "What's he doing?"
Jacques: "Why am I looking more muscular, I'm really going to fight them."

Were you Serious" said Junior, who is too big to be the real Junior. " He's storming the front!" said Ozpin.

"Do they really expect me to make a complete mockery of myself like edging to the back door of my own palace? especially to animals!" said King Jacques while ready to use his sword.

That hit the nerve on Adam, Sienna Blake, Ghira, Kali, and Velvet. sending a glare at Jacques across behind their seat, Jacques paid no mind. He was stunned, is he exactly attempting to fight? in the one-man army?

Qrow: "There's no way he can possibly take on the whole smell army!"

Everyone agrees, but they can't help the fleeing. Something really bad is to come.

Ruby: "Sorry, but what's going on?"
JHcola: "Right, the thing is. King Jacques tries to take it back from them, and the Faunus rebel tries to save the world from the mad group by sacrificing to gain a god-like being. by ritual. King Jacques is one of the bad guys."

That owed the look of everyone who could not believe, This Jacques wouldn't do that. but think again, what If he could? but right now they see how it's going.

The Schee family had mixed feelings about this, Ironwood and Ozpin do not like it at all.

The big Junior now realizes he is going to charge. " Infantry at the front gate, FALL BACK," said Big Junior. Before that could happen, King Jacques dashed forward at a steady speed, the tank crew opening fire on him with a machine gun, but instead of killing him. King Jacques deflects every bullet. This made the tank crew scared.
The tank then fired with the main Conan, but the shell was cut in half. One piece hit a three-man killed, the other hit the builder.
The tank is now afraid of him, still charging in, thus resulting in full reverse forward, causing it to break through the glass entrance, and shatter pieces, causing the tank to land on the empty escalator and drive upward.

Everyone was shocked and stunned.

Adam refuses to believe it, but they just see it. not even Ironwood, who believes he is nothing but a worthless greedy lover. cut the bullet in mid-air and cut the freaking bullet shell in half.

Salem does like this man, he would have served her well.

Ozpin: "He's not normal is he?"
JHcola: "What do you think." made a statement that no one can possibly do it.''
Jacques smiles for himself and he likes to learn how the sword works.

King Jacques ran through and cut anyone who was foolishly near him, and blood spread everywhere. leaving dozens of dead Faunus in his wake and going after the tank.

Ruby closed her eyes not wanting to see this and every Faunus group felt sick. Watch him killing the fellow Faunus kind. like he doesn't cure.

Weiss and Winter couldn't look for what their father had done.

Rwby React Multiverse by JHcola [Hiatus] for now.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon