Why you should read Dune.

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Gira: "Well, what else you got?
JHcola: "Now since it been a while since I show Cinder Author book, here's another one."
Blake: "Who?"
JHcola: "You see soon enough." he presses the button remote.


"Must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is a little death that brings total obliteration."
-Qrow Brownman, Dune.

Ozpin: "Qrow Brownman? This a got to see."
winter: "NO WAY, him... an Author? he can even write a summerly"
Qrow: "I know how to write, I just don't want to"
Gira: "Either way. It is quite a Quote." 
Blake: "I wonder what his manuscript is?"

Scene start.
"Two people walk in the open Hostile desert on a cold night, two moons rise high.
"A Mother and her son trek across an endless desert. wearing special skin-tight suits to dissipate heat and recycle moisture." said the Roman narrator.

Hazel: " Now the theft's turn to the narrator."
Roman: "I'm honored" 
Neo: "your voice sounds cute though..." hand sign.
Oscar: "what are they doing in the small desert?"
JHcola: "not. small. young man."

"The travelers aren't worried about dying of thirst. their fears are much greater."

Salem: "Fear the unknown."
JHcola: "nice, I see you remember Cinder. P Lovecraft. quote."
Cinder: "one I very much adore it."
Pyrrha: "I'm not safe from her, I don't know, I kinda feel like my heart is shot by an arrow when I look at her."
JHcola: "Ehhhhh... never mind, move on"

"The pair try to walk without rhythm, letting the vibrations of their footsteps blend into the shifting sands."

Jaune: "eh, wonder why?"
Adam: "as if they trying to avoid something."
Gira: "some sort of, pretador?"
Tyrian: "Likely"

"But soon, the sound of the desert is drowned out by a louder hissing," said Roman.
The man stops and knows the Hissing is near, narrowing his eyes.

Taiyang: "Something coming!"
Summer: "What does this Hissing sound?"
Glynda: "do they need to avoid it at all?"
JHcola: "Yes. let's just say, all your weapon and semblance are useless against it."
Ironwood: "impossible!"
JHcola: "watch"

"As a mound of sand races toward them, the pair's unnatural gait turns into a sprint."
They run.
"The two clamber into a nearby rock face, as a sandworm 400 meters long bursts from the desert floor."

everyone was startled, in awe and surprise.
Ruby: "What is that Gaint worm?!" 
Weiss: "And did Roman say 400 meters? it bigger than all the dangerous Grimm combing!"
Blake: "even 100 whales can't beat that"
JHcola: "They are called the Sandworm. and they are very important for the story."

"This is the would of "DUNE." Written by Qrow Brownman. and Published in 1965, "Dune" takes place in a far-flung future, where humanity rules the stars in a giant feudal empire." said Roman Narrators.
In the throne chambers, many bows to the rulers, and some guards point their weapons at some person to force kneel. at the same time, the emperor walks to his throne.

Salem: "An Empire rules the stars, how fitting"
Watt: "many possibilities."
Port: "what sort of lifestyle do they have?"
Oscar: "I wonder why called our country kingdom without a king?"
Ozpin: "It's... complicated."

Rwby React Multiverse by JHcola [Hiatus] for now.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon