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JHcola: "OHH SHIT, I know this.

Yang: "Ah? what's wrong?"

The black screen starts with the feminist lady speech, and that speech belongs to Salem. "My people. sons and daughters of SaGrim."

Ozpin is not pleased at all, looking over to Salem as his once lover, and now an enemy. Even Ironwood and Winter feel the same as well.

Salem: "This should be interesting"

"This much, I'll vow the history of these days will be written in blood," said Salem

Watt: "The Lady must be a ruler of some sort,"
Cinder: "Yes. of course, as my lady always shall be"
Salem: "JH, I can't help, but realize that you are familiar with this reality, aren't you?"
now everyone picks with interest
Winter: "Well?"
JHcola: "Let's just say I used to be in that universe in my lifetime, not this one. The other one is similar, but yes. I was on the wrong side of history, and I regret some crime even though it was justified the mean the end."

The student and teacher had mixed thoughts about what he said, the Student's Parent is cautious, even though he is powerful. But what kind of man is he in his old life?

Ironwood thinks like, what kind of crime?

"By crushing the armies of our enemy by seizing the weapon they thought to turn against us." The screen then turns slowly from zooming out of Salem's back eyes.
"We were fighting for our very existence, but. If there are those who deny us peace, refuse us our rightful place in the universe," said Salem. from the speech full face and transition to TV news broadcasts.

Ozpin: "The only peace you bring is great suffering."
Salem: "It is what it always should be and all will bow to me, peace is only possible in total control."

Ironwood: "If I had my weapon, I would have shot you."
Salem: "I died many times over. tell that to Ozpin for he does not what it takes to do it. all he had to do was take the step, what a shame"
Ozpin: "I'll make many mistakes in my life. but that is not one of them."

Salem: "Oh but it is. when you play a game of life. you win or you lose, there is no middle ground."

Ozpin and Ironwood won't argue anymore, JHcola looks over to Salem for what she just said.

"'Holy crap. Game of Thrones reference and I didn't even show it to them yet." JHcola thought.

"Then. we will unleash such terrible vengeance that the yet unborn, will cry out in anguish." The news comes from a new voice, "A spokesman for RSA high command had this to say to Salem about her latest outburst." said the newsman.

Cardin: "It says in the news that she vows to repel the invasion. So what? She tried to take over and she lost one and now it's her turn."

JHcola: "Yes. but don't let that fool you all. her army is more dangerous than any Atlas combined if it were not for the heroes. Salem would have won."

Professor Port: "And who is the brave hero stopping her forces?"

Jhcola: "3, 2, 1."

Zooming away from the TV news. Qrow-looking news report, his face showing determination, and then on his left comes a sister of his, Raven, looking fury. "Listening to her run mouth makes me feel like I wanna break something," nearly broke a TV though not hard enough.

Ruby: "Uncle Qrow!"
Yang: "Mom!"
Summer: "Well good for you Raven, and Qrow."
Raven: "I'll see what this is going"
Winter: "I don't believe this, him that drunken fool. is a soldier."
Qrow: "Hey, what's wrong? Got a little touchy feeling there"
Summer: "QROW, be nice."

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