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JHcola: "Have you guys ever known what true horror is like?"

everyone thinking and replied

Blake: "I like horror stories, but I'm not sure what the scope of it is.
Velvet: "I hate scary stories, they give me nightmares of zombies and werewolves."
Ruby: "Yeah me too."
Winter: "There's nothing to be afraid of as long as you know your enemy's weakness, you will be fine."
JHcola: "True, but except you wrong one thing."
Ironwood: "And that is?"
JHcola: "The one who wrote, The oldest and strongest emotion of all bangs is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."

everyone thought of what he said, what kind of unknown they had never encountered.

Salem: "I've very march-like to know who wrote that."
JHcloa: "The queen of cosmic horror is Cinder herself."

Everyone looks toward Cinder as a surprise.

Cinder: "So I was more terrified than any lame horror that children scare off."
Ruby and Velvet look down as if in shame.
JHcola: "You shall see why."

and the black screen begins.

The books show disturbing things, eerie, and unsettling. then blood from the edge top of the page spilled down. the man screams in terror but then presents to the tv and goes static.
"Arcane books of forbidden lore, disturbing secrets in the family bloodline, and terror so unspeakable the very thought of them might drive you mad," said Willow.

Velvet: "I'll already hate it now"
Willow: "My that's my voice."
Weiss: "It seems to be a documentary."
JHcola: "Correct"
Whitley: "At least our dear mother has a chance."

"By now, these have become a standard element in many horror stories. but they were largely popularized by a singer author, one whose name has become an adjective for the particular type of terror she inspired."
The large hardcover book lies on the ground, only the cover is Cinder with her grim face, while her name on the cover is shining, Cinder. P. Lovecraft.

Emerald: "I curious liked to read those books of hers"
Blake: "Me too, I'll give any authors a try."
Mercury: "I like pictures, not march a bookworm."
cinder: "Even my book does not interest you?"
Mercury: "Not yours though I'll give it a try."
JHcola: "Here, I'll get copies of her book so you guys can read it."
Oobleck: "My, what a thick book."
JHcola: "All the collection of her stories."

"Born in Providence, Rhode Island in 1890, Cinder Phillips Lovecraft grew up admiring the gothic horror stories. written by Ozpin Allan Poe, and Salem Chambers," said Willow.
The big house was shown in a dark creepy atmosphere in the air, and there is a black cat with only one bright green eye, standing on the skeleton. almost as if the cat killed this man or maybe it was something else.

Salem: "She was inspired by me and Ozpin, ironically don't you think?"

"But by the time she began writing in 1917, World War 1 had cast long shadows over the arts. people had seen real horrors and were no longer freighting of fantastical folklore," said Willow.
A random man opened his eyes and reflected on how he saw the horror of the brutal war.

Ironwood: "World War 1? mean there's another one?"
JHcola: "The deadliest war they would ever be seen, but I'll show some, one day."

"Ms. Lovecraft sought to invent a new kind of terror, one that responded to the rapid scientific progress of his era. Her stories often used scientific elements to lend eerie plausibility, in "The Color out of Space," A strange meteorite falls near a farmhouse, mutating the farm into a nightmarish hellscape.
The farmhouse is shown and the willes field of purplish diverse mash, two skeletons lay in the wells and the land itself was an unnatural thing as mutating progress.

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