Get Jinxed. Ruby.

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When the screen starts.
There is an old run-down bar place. an unknown girl places on the counter what seems to be a creepy toy monkey twists it the back and taps the toy on the head and begins to play.

Qrow: "Creepy toy monkey, who will play with it?"
Neo: "I think it's cute" Sign up.
JHcola: "One kind of person would."
Tanya: "It's only music and lyrics, I hope you'll enjoy"
Ren: "Okay, but who's the girl there?"
Ruby: "Yeah, who is it?"
Tanya: "You'll see"

A lone bomb rocked travel through the sky. rocked pass and there are dozen of bomb rockets, yet there is a person. a crazy lady riding on it with her legs like shift board.
"Wanna join me... come and play... but I might shoot you, in your face" Ruby sang.

Ruby's family and everyone she knows, were taken aback by what they have seen.
Summer: "It's that my little Ruby?!"
Weiss: "Why is she riding on it? Doesn't she know it's dangerous?"
Nora: "Even if she knows it or she thought it's fun, I would try that"
Ren: "Oh no, please don't"
Raven: "The fact that the way she signs speaks a certain level of... not right in her mind."
JHcola: "You had no idea"

Each cut of the scene shows a Creepy monkey clapping while a crazy girl rides on the missile and shows a great city.
"Bomb and bullets will do the trick... what we need here... is a little bit of panic!"
Fast-cut multiple cutscenes of a creepy monkey playing.

Tyrian: "Hmmm, not bad, but I've done far more."
Tanya: "Don't don't know her well enough"
Salem: "Indulge us"
Tanya: "I can't go over the details, but let's just say she used to be an innocent little girl who was done a great mistake, and her own big sister left her, a lot of big drama and... here she is."
Yang look as if she didn't know what Tanya is saying
Yang: "You mean my other self abounded her?"
JHcola: "Ruby perspective, yes."
Ruby and Yang glace at one another and thought to themself 'What could possibly happen to them?'

Ruby Jinx walks along the long narrow hallway, happily
"Do you ever wanna catch me? Right now I'm feeling ignored! so can you try a little harder?"
Then Ruby Jinx ride straight to the big building, going to hit. As if like she purposely drove this missile hit the building while she ride on it?
"I'm really getting bored!"

Taiyang: "Oh Oum, is she okay?!"
JHcola: "She fined"
Ren: "She definitely needs help"
Ruby: "I agree with you!"
Tyrian: "ok ok, I'm digging this"

next Ruby Jinx turn toward us, smiling as the narrow hallway turn dark.
Suddenly a mass shootout in the dark by Ruby Jinx machine guns blasted any robot.
"Coma on! Shoot faster! just a little bit of energieehh! I wanna try something fun right now."
Ruby smile like insane.
Next, a rolled horse ride shines. ruby jinx ride.
"I guess some people call it An-ar-chy!"

Coco: "Hey, that's my style!!"
Fox: "Is that you what you're worried about?"
Coco: "you've wouldn't understand"
Ruby: "I do, I love weapons"
Velvet: "She... doesn't want to hear that from you, sorry Ruby" feeling guilty.
Ruby: "Ok, I understand."

"Let's blow this city to ashes, And see what Pow-Pow thinks"
Ruby Jinx dunces with a broken robot on the stage.
"It's such pathetic neatness, but not for long 'cause it'll... GET JINX!"
Ruby Jinx's final dunce, hunch a robot back while Jinx big smiles.

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