Camp Camp Ep1.

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Cast: Jaune - David
Sun - Max
Ren - Neil
Nora - Nikki
 Blake - Gwen
 Roman - Campell
 Qrow - Quartermaster
Neptune - Harrison
Ruby - Space kid
Whitley - Dolph
Ilia - Ered
Penny - Nerris
Cardin - Nurf
Skarlet - Preston
Summer and Tai - two agents
Ironwood - Sheriff Sal


Every RWBY cast come back again to the cinema.
Roman: "We've back again oh Mr, JH... hey! where's is he?"
Penny: "And Ms, Tanya too, do they forget something?"
Blake: "No... I can't tell you, but I know what they have been doing all night..." Blake deep bug under her eyes.
Velvet: "I... Hear... Them... EVERYTHING..."
Ruby: "What did they do?"
Blake: "When you order, but you don't want to know."
Weiss: "Yeah, I weather not know"

JHcola and Tanya arrive at the cinema and they are in a happy mood for some reason.
Tanya: "Sorry, we were late, we were in an important thing to do."
Velvet: "I'm sure you have a wonderful night."
JHcola: "I don't know what you talking about"
Winter: "Uh ah... anyway, shell we"
Oscar: "Yeah, let's go"
JHcola: "Alright, here we go."

A deep green lush forest right in the middle of the gravel road. cut bunny hoping when an evil Haxk catches one and flies off, there is a camp at the front, one is a boy Neptune, and the other is a camp man. Jaune.
"Can you believe it, Sun?! We're getting not one, not three, but two new campers today!" Jaune said.
"Yup. it's really, truly horrifying." Said Sun.

Gira: "Camp, that brings back good times"
Blake: "I have enjoyed camping days"
Pyrrha: "I don't know why he said it's horrifying?"
Jaune: "Yeah, camping is fun, right?"
Nora: "Yep"

"Horrifying? What are you afraid of making a few new friends?" Jaune robbed Sun's head which annoyed Sun.
"I'm not here to make friends, Jaune." Sun fixing his hair.
"I'm here because camp is where kids are sent when their parents don't want to deal with them. why do you think we return the favour when they hit 70?" Sun said making his point out a cold fact.

Taiyang: "OHHH, right."
Summer: "That's pretty extreme, kinda like Raven here"
Raven: "Oh shut up, I had my reason"
Yang: "I doubt that. Mom"
Raven: "You're done the same"
Oscar: "Whatever his problem is, I'm sure it's not that bad"
Qrow: "We'll see then"

"Hang on a sec! what are you even doing out here?" Jaune Questioning. 
"Well, it's definitely not because the bus only comes in from the city to drop off and pick up campers, and so far seems to be my only reasonable method of escaping this fucking nightmare of a camp... definitely not that." Sun started.
"Heeeey... Language" Jaune said.

Ruby: "Thank you!"
Nora: "Jaune doing a great job"
Weiss: "So the sun hates it here"
Jaune: "Seem like it"
Sun: "Why, I love Camping."
Tanya: "That's the universe for ya"

"Sick a dick-" Sun is quickly picked up by Jaune, holding Sun like a dad carries a son.
"All I want is for you kids to have as much fun as I did when I was a Campbell camper. is that really too much to ask?" Jaune ask.
"I refuse to believe someone as happy as you can possibly exist," Sun said.
Jaune gives a sad face.

Scarlet: "Damn, you an unhappy little man"
Sun: "What's his deal?"
Nora: "Jaune just trying to do his job"
Cardin: "So far, his doing the annoying job for sure"
Russal: "Yup"
Jaune: "But being happy bring joy"
Pyrrha: "Of course Jaune"
Ruby: "I wouldn't be sure of that"
Tanya: "I for one, don't trust people with a happy smile on their faces"
Weiss: "I don't know why you would not to"

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