Dead Space 3.

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The screen transitions from pitch black to a graveyard of abandoned X-shaped ships on the ice planet, with a distorted voice on the comms channel warning.

Ironwood: "That's is awfully sight to see those ships been left behind, junk."
Marrow: "Something went wrong there."
Elm: "Agree with you there."
Ruby: "Someone should clean up there, those space debris are messy."

A multiple scene unfolded, showing a display of crucified death on the wall, two infected were in a poor state of their repulsive nature.

'They were my friend not too long ago.' said the voice.

Fox: "After what we've seen previously, I can only see it now, they didn't make it."
Oscar: "I couldn't bear to watch people die like everyone there"
Roman: "Better grow up, kid, cuz that's life."

Yang is in full space armor suits. approach to the wall that is writing in crudely depicted ugly art on the wall that shows of symbol of the tag of papers. The symbol of the marker.

"Turn it off... turn it off... turn it off..." Yang muttered as she read the words on the wall, trying to commit them to memory.

Taiyang: "No, is she slowly losing her mind?"
Blake: "Snip out of it!"
Yang: "Wake up!"
Ruby: "Was it because of what Maker had done to my sister?"
Tanya: "Yup."

Yatsuhashi, who is Yang's partner, comes over to her shoulder with a concerned look on his scarred, narrow face. He glances back to where they came from, and a noise sounds through the back entrance - a Necromorph is coming. Yatsu immediately snaps her out of it, and Yang comes to her senses.

Glynda: "Ah, good. She had a partner who could cover her six.
Ravven: "But whose cover him?"
Yatsuhashe: "I don't want to think about it."
Harriet: "I know what you mean."

Yang sealed her suit and hovered out into space, amid junk and metal debris.

"The Marker had to be stopped. and all the clues, lead here!" Blake said.

The heavy cylinder door opens the locks before Yang.

Blake: "I somehow sense that she has been through enough already and her soul is beyond damage."
Neptune: "She lost her little sister before and later on, now that fake Ruby tried to kill her, that's missing up."
White: "Pretty grim and awful way to live like that."
Winter: "Not to mention she would suffer from trauma."

The halls are filled with body bugs, in the footing place. "Oh my Oum, Coffen everywhere, some kind of Funareul," Yang said as she stumbled upon this place.

Yang: "Damn it, no matter where I go, death is everywhere."
Jaune: "People didn't have to die, they shouldn't be."
Watt: "Quite a gruesome."
Summer: "I do hope this will be the last time that ever happened to them."
Pyrrha: "I hope so"

At the wall, there's something in there.

"This isn't good" Yang muttled herself. then. Bust comes from the wall, the Necromorph emerges with blood lust and frizzy to attack Yang in the opening. She fought them off, cut their lambs, over and over, she had been pushed against the corner when the shot had ceased into darkness. "They're here!" Yang said with a cracked voice.

Sun: "Yushy, that scared me there."
Summer: "It's like it tolling with us."
Fox: "The noise they're making, it's unsettling 
Scarlet: "I'm with you there."
Neo: "I'm not scared at all." Hand sign.

The station elevator, the hallways, and everywhere is already overrun by Nacromorgh. Yang's elbow to the emergency plasma cutter and it over to Yatsuhashe's hand with guns, Yang and Yatsuhashe were in the middle of a predicament battle damage around them.

"Which means they everywhere, get a weapon, for everybody," Yang said.

In the dark place, a new kind of monster emerges and grows new arms in a grotesque form way, it now charges and attacks Yang in the dark.

Ozpin: "That's a brave woman, fighting alone, twice in the rolled."
Salem: "She will lose her mind. and mentley."
Hezal: "I can only wish her luck, though she won't make it this time."
Cardin: "She survived before, she could be again."
Yang: "You know what... Thanks."

A multi-cut scene run. Yang had gone on through hell by fighting her way through countless faceless horrors of Nacromorgh, many had fallen by her treated plasma cutter, and some of them had nearly succeeded in cutting her head off. Finally, Yang got space out, but not right before she grabbed a helmet.

"It's happening again... Everyone dying around me!" Yang got her helmet on and clicked.

Revan: "I'll come out and say it, you sure a brave."
Yang: "....... Thanks, mom."

The final scene depicts Yang losing her grip on debris, but quickly regaining balance and using her boots to chase after a lone ship when she hears Blake's voice.

"Are you with me? are you with me? are you with me?" Blake repeated through a radio.


JHcola: "That's over and done with, what's next."
Tanya: "Now it's my turn to show."
JHcola: "By all means, go right ahead, it's about time for CJ Dechamp again"
Ozpin: "Oh, that one time about Glynda's maid."
Glynda: "Please, anything but that."
JHcola: "Oh yes, that's what we going with."
Emerald: "Great... can't wait."
Tanya: "I like to show you about... my past lives with Emerald here."


It's over for Dead Space. I don't want to do more SP again, sorry.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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