Pyrrha of the valley of the wind.

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Author note.
This was my first anime movie when I was around 10 to 13 years old. The main reason I love anime today. As the world slowly forgets about this great relic anime, I'll want to put it in and I'll hope you like to watch Nausicaa.
Thank you.

A new scene is up for more.

Pyrrha: "I wonder if it will be my turn."
JHcola: "Wait for it and for my personal likes, this is one of my favorite sides of the universe."
Ozpin: "You seem in a good mood."
JHcola: "You could say the story of her life is very good.

The scene shows a giant bug shell, in an environment toxic jungle.

Ruby: "Is that a big bug? it's huge!"
Weiss: "I don't do bugs"
Tyrian: "What's wrong with that, afraid of the big bugs"
Weiss: "I hate bugs."
Tyrian: "Oh girly afraid of the bugs."
Winter: "Hold your tongue worm."
JHcola: "Easy now"

The one young woman lying down on the bug wearing, a blue top warm gear, the thick boot. Pyrrha lay where the eyes were glass-like atop her that is like the windshield and the rest of her lower body was covered in spores.

Pyrrha: "So that's me then? what's she doing all along there atop a bug, it is a shell?"
JHcola: "Yes. It's called the Ohm, they are the most dominant species of insect of them all. and let me tell you, don't piss them off, EVER."
Mercury: "Why? I mean they can't be that strong."
JHcola: " made one mad and made all of them stamped on your ass."
cinder: "I see then, I like to see one."
Jaune Arc: "What's with the mask?
Jhcola: "It's to protect her from the most lethal toxicity. without the mask, she'll be dead in 5 minutes."
Does everyone feel like the jungle-like that begins with?

"Huh. what that!" Pyrrha stood up as if she had heard something or felt it.
"What's going on?" Then a gunshot was heard, and she spun toward where the sound was.
"Those are gunshots, an insect is attacking someone," said Pyrrha.

Ironwood: "I wonder where the gunshot comes from?
Ren: "Who would be doing in the jungle?"
Nora: "Sightseeing?
JHcola: "Unlikely."

Pyrrha quickly comes down from the giant Ohme shell and runs across the jungle, jumping down on a beetle-like insect with only slight pain, "Oh, I'm sorry" said Pyrrha.

Weiss: "Don't apologize to the bugs."
Jaune Arc: "same Pyrrha, different universe."
Pyrrha: "I like bees."
JHcola: "Well good for you."
Jacques: "The only good thing about bugs is the dead bugs."

'Starship troopers, I should remember that.' JHcola thought.

Pyrrha goes into the cave letting go of bull glass eyes, climbing the root, and foothold. She then appears in the eye hole of the giant warrior.

Goodwitch: "Is that a giant thing?
JHcola: "Yes. They are called the giant warriors, they are created by humanity for total domination. but the backfire that brought near destruction on the world, which is why toxic jungle came to be."
Oobleck: "When did it happen at that time?"
JHcola: "over 1000 years ago."

Across the landscape. the only deep greenish field for the eyes as she can see.
Boom, a whitish-green puff of smoke from the far.
"over there!" said Pyrrha. taking out the telescope.

Cardin: "Something really big is after someone."
Pyrrha: "How will she be able to help in that situation."

"what a tick spore cloud" A few insect flies swarm around the spore cloud, and as the scope lowers down the new one emerges, far bigger.
"An Ohm! That must have been its shell," said Pyrrha.

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