Ace Combat 7 SP MISSION 2.

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JHcola and Tanya had been ongoing fighting for hours to no end, at least they were taking this fight to another undisclosed location.
While RWBY cast setting around, chatting about everything they have seen so far

Ruby: "And I say, now that is the katana."
Blake: "I Knew you read my book!"
Ruby: "Come on, I like the book so far, only haft way."
Weiss: "Thores two so-called god or cosmic beings, whatever they called themself's, they're sure taking long.

The portal appeared, and...
Ravan: "HOLY OUM!"
Qrow: "Now that beats the shit out of them."

JHcola and Tanya look like shit, beaten up, and bruised, and JH's gas mask is broken.
Tanya looks fine expect messy blonde hair and her slowing one eye, she spits some of her teeth out to the ground.

JHcola: "Okay everyone. HUAA (In Pain), shit it hurts like hell. we decided that we agree. This" JHcola looks toward her at his side. "Tanya will... be with us for the rest of this show."

Summer: "I just assume Miss Tanya already knows about us, and we know only her name, I'm I correct?"
Tanya: "That's correct" she smiled proudly. "Not to worry, we're going to have a nice chat"
Blake: "So, you both lost"
JH and Tanya look at her with dead eyes. not in a good mood right now.

JHcola: "She cheated but I emerges without losing an arm.
Tanya: "OH ship up, we both know we can't keep winning. and we got a show to roll"
JHcola: "Fine, but I'm calling shot here."
Tanya: "Fine" she took a seat.
Jaune: "They sure don't get along well"
Velvet: "Or an angry love couple"
Yang: "I say, they kinda like... angry divine love."
Everyone gone.

and so the black screen began.

08:31 AM
 Sep 10, 2010.

Oobleck in his home computer, anything with Alicorn data, files, documents, and news.
"Oobleck, I've built a model of captain Cinder and three strikes. Based on your hypothesis and mission parameters from the past" said Penny AI.
the transition from a screen computer to a white room and the chess board, two of which are A Three strikes Trigger for white chess, and Captain Cinder Submarine Alicorn for black chess.
"I ran a precision combat simulation... but it failed."  

Jaune: "How so?"
Tanya: "Pay attention, boy"

"Bummer. why didn't it work?" Oobleck asked.
"Reasons in sensuous order are:
"1. your hypothesis is trash."
"2. The parameters you give me are trash."
"Humm, did I do something to tick you off?"

Penny: "I didn't mean to be rude, but, yes you did something to I quote "Tick you off"
Ruby: "He got owned"
Tanya: "Undiciplan of that A I"
JHcola: "It's called an expression of feeling"
Ozpin: "Must be tough, Mr Oobleck"
Oobleck: "I used to it"

"3. captain Cinder's is a singularity."
"So the values diverge... but what about this one?'
"4. Three strikes is a singularity."

Pyrrha: "What is he getting at?"
Cinder: "interesteding"

"That's outside the confidence interval. the possibility that it's 1, 2, or 3 is 99%"
"Significance is high."
"Try this"
Oobleck extracts a file and transfers another.
"This is Three strikes' data before he was assigned to the LRSSG"

Raven: "before what?"
JHcola: "it's a long story"

SP mission 02
Anchorhead Raid.

Rwby React Multiverse by JHcola [Hiatus] for now.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora