Chapter 71: Back To Work

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Pierre and Taylor said a tearful goodbye at the airport, and I also had tears in my eyes when I hugged him goodbye. 

I know we'll still be talking almost every day, just like we did for the first month he was here, but it was still sad. 

He technically only has about 4 months left of filming now, which is a nice thought, but I know I'll still miss him. Even if I didn't technically end up spending as much time with him as I thought I would, on this trip. 

The flight back home felt solemn. 

Pierre was quiet for the first twenty minutes, still upset that he had to leave Taylor behind, which I understand. He now has to go home to their shared apartment, alone, and he doesn't know if he will be able to see him again before filming ends. 

It made me think a lot about my own situation. 

I know that Chris kept telling me that we would see each other, that he would come visit and I could too. And that's all fine during filming, but once he's done, he goes back to his own place. And we'll still be away from each other. 

At least when Taylor is done filming he'll go home to Pierre. 

Chris and I's future will consist of long distance, of phone calls and face time, and visits. And then what?

I don't know what to expect but I also know that it's highly unlikely that we will be able to sustain a relationship like that. Eventually something would have to change. 

And it would either result in moving in together, somewhere, somehow.. Or a breakup. 

I really hope it's not the latter. Just thinking about it makes my heart hurt. 


It's been a few days since I arrived back home. 

Chris checked in on me as soon as my flight landed, apparently he was watching it on the flight-app to make sure I arrived safely. 

And for the past few days we've spoken every day, doing video calls this time instead of just phone calls. 

Video calls feels a lot nicer, a lot more intimate. I get to look at his pretty face while he tells me about his day and I get to watch as his face lights up when he tells me a funny story about something that happened at work. 

And I've been back at work myself. 

I settled into my new position - the one that came with me finishing law school and passing the bar exam. 

I'm still in a fairly low position but at least I've graduated from being an intern. I got an amazing opportunity to work with the District Attorneys Office and I took it as soon as it became available. 

A job like that will look wonderful on my resume and it gets me in the door of the District Attorneys office, which is where I see myself in the future. 

I worked in the same office as an intern which means I know most of the people working alongside me, which is quite nice. At least I don't completely feel like the odd man out. 

Most of the people I work with have years of experience within the field, but there are a few around my age, as well as younger interns that work below me, who I am technically in charge of. 

As soon as I got back from my vacation a case was put on my desk and I was quickly instructed to work with a few interns and law clerks on it. 

Which is what I've been doing for the past three days, spending countless hours at the office to try and find as much solid evidence for the case as possible. 

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