Chapter 30: Hidden Secrets

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Y/n's POV:
Parts 57-59

"Bye Teddy!" I called as my older brother closed the bedroom door, leaving me with my two shadows called Fred and George Weasley.

"So what are we going to do?" Fred asked, coming to sit next to me, placing a hand on my thigh.

"I don't know, any ideas Y/n?" George said, sitting down on his bed.

"I have a record player, we could listen to music. Or we can have snacks." I voiced, now resting my head on Fred's shoulder.

"I love the idea of snacks!" Fred nearly yelled which caused me to block my ears and burst out laughing.

"I'll go get them, no funny business you two. Especially you Fred." George said as he rose from the bed, pointing between me and Fred with suspicious eyes.

"Geez George calm down. You'll be too quick for us to do anything." I sighed with a smile.

"Okay okay. Whatever." George huffed before walking out of the room.

"I don't know how he isn't in Hufflepuff!" Fred laughed, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me down onto his bed.

"And why do you think that?" I asked as I have him a look of confusion.

"He's always huffing."

"Not every Hufflepuff spends all their time huffing, if you remember I was nearly sorted into Hufflepuff." I smiled and releasing a small laugh.

"Okay, fair enough." Fred smiled.

"Although it may be true. Teddy is always seems to huff." I said causing me and Fred to burst into a fit of laughter.

"I'm going to tell him that!" Fred giggled, attempting to sit up but I pulled him back down.

"Don't you dare!" I called, climbing over his body so he couldn't tell my brother.

"Oh come on Y/n!" Fred laughed. "It would be funny to tell him."

"No Fred it wouldn't. He'd kill me."

"I don't think he'd do that."

"He would. Anyway, I think that it's a dumb conversation." I smiled.

"Dumb conversation?" Fred asked.


"We lose track of time. Have I told you lately, I'm grateful you're mine." Fred said, pulling my off him and holding me close, planting a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"Aww Freddie that's cute." I smiled.

"What can I say. You're cute." Fred smirked, causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach.

We leaned in closer to each other, lips inches part from each other's. The tension building in the air around us. That's until the door burst open to reveal George holding a tray of snacks and multiple bottles of butterbeer.

"OI!" He yelled. "I thought I said no funny business!"

"We didn't do anything George!" Fred yelled back, pulling away from me. Leaving my cheeks red and rosy.

"Well I saw what I saw." George huffed.

Me and Fred looked at each other, both of us trying to hide our smirks. But it didn't work. Both me and Fred burst into a fit of giggles and we couldn't stop until we were clutching our sides out of pain and laughter. But George looked between the two of us like we were loons, giving us weird stares and glances as we were laughing.

"What was that about?" George asked as we finally stopped and trying to catch our breaths once again.

"Inside joke. You don't have to worry about it little brother." Fred answered, patting his brothers shoulder.

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