Chapter 7. From father to son.

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Los Angeles

Brandon was in the Chronical business center, the one he had always dreamed of as a boy and who had declined any of his proposals for unconditional slavery at a short price. Now he sat in the manager's chair, in the director's office, with the director's plants and a fantastic view of Los Angeles. Amazing how people's lives change. How certain coincidences make you turn one way or another. What would have happened if the Los Angeles Chronical had accepted his candidacy five years earlier? Where would he be now? Do you regret that you are gone? No. It wasn't. One with his dreams cannot repent. He must have a resistance that lives up to his expectations. He looked outside the glass door at the large open space where journalists, editors, proofreaders, paginated and carefully chose words. How far were the days of the Beat. When only he and Steve ran a small newspaper and he felt like he was stuck in a golden cage. Give up his "family" and go chasing his dreams. This is the hardest choice he had ever had to make. A risk between head and neck. Five years around telling the war, the chronicle of the nations, learning Spanish and Italian.

Her secretary Betty was a pretty nice and very practical woman in her fifties. He went in bringing him the coffee and under his arm the binder for the documents to be signed. Brandon placed a couple of signatures reading quickly.

"Mr. Johnson will come at 1 p.m. Johnson, Walsh's appointment confirmed."

Director Walsh. Wow.

"Do you need anything else?"

"No, thanks Betty"

"For lunch?"

"I'll take care of it Betty, don't worry," she said, returning the signed sheets to her.

He still had a couple of costume items to review.

His cell phone rang.


That name hadn't appeared on the display for centuries.

"Woman is giving birth, David is in hyperventilation, Steve is agitated, I breathe in time, do you want to come too?"

Brandon laughed loudly "I'm already on the street."

He clicked on the call term button. How he missed this part. To be something integral. Part of a universe bound by strong bonds. He took his jacket and hissed Betty who was absent for a few hours. He had a cell phone and would check the emails from outside.

"Remember the appointment with Johnson at 1pm"

"Yes," he said, slipping away, "I'll come back right away, I have a cell phone, whatever you call me Betty."

He took the elevator.


A young boy was chasing him. He stopped.

"Director I'm Brian Ward"

Brandon shook his hand walking.

"I just graduated from CU"

"Ah bravo," Brandon replied, "what can I do for you?"

"I wanted to tell you that I'm willing to work for free in case you want to consider my application"

Brandon took the keys out of his pocket and opened the car

"Leave the resume in place," he replied quickly leaving it standing on the sidewalk.

Brandon got in the car. And he sighed like when he always sighed for regretting something. He lowered the window.

"Tell me," he said.

Brian Ward smiled and slipped his CV into Brandon's hands.

When he arrived at the hospital, everyone was there.

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