Almer: Dysphoria TW:Talks about suicide and dysphoria

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Albert looks in the mirror. He focuses on his chest, somewhere he couldn't stand to look some days. He trudges back over to the bed and frowns as he lays back down. His phone lights up with a text.

"Y'all wanna come over to my place? I got booze and shit." Jack texts the group chat. Albert doesn't respond, just tosses his phone to the other side of the room and curls up, waiting for Elmer to come home.

Albert didn't know when he fell asleep but he woke up to Elmer playing with his hair.

"Hello, Sweetheart," Elmer smiles, running his hand along Albert's back. "How was your nap?

Albert rubs his eyes and curls up again. "It was okay. Just didn't feel good. Not in a sick way though. In an 'I hate the way I am and just wish I could die' kinda way."

Elmer looks at Albert. "Do you want to talk about it, Love?" As a therapist, he was good at listening, but Albert just shakes his head.

"Alright. I won't force you to, but I am always gonna be in your corner if you need anything."

Albert takes a shaky breath. "It's just that I feel like I just would be better off dead. If I had just believed my family when they said that I was destined to make dinners and iron clothes. I really hate having to give myself shots just so that I can be sorta happy. I just some days really want to die but I can't because I'd disappoint you and Racer and Jack and all of our friends," he can't get another word out before starting to sob.

"There you go, let it out," Elmer tries to soothe his boyfriend, texting Jack telling him that they weren't going to his party and putting his phone on the nightstand. "Do you need me to get you anything?" he already knew the answer.

"A cup of tea with one of those rock candy thingies that Medda gives us whenever we visit."

Elmer covers Albert with the thick duvet and hands him a small stuffed animal. "I'll be right back. Just holler if you need anything."

Albert nods and squeezes the stuffed animal. As he waits for Elmer, he wipes his eyes.

"Your tea, My Prince," Elmer smiles and kisses Albert's forehead, handing him the mug.

"Can you go and get me a shirt? My chest hurts."

"Albie, how long have you been wearing your binder?"

"I don't know. It makes me feel better about myself though."

Elmer grabs the Terrasil and one of his shirts. "Do you want me to help you or not?"

Albert just nods and holds up his arms, inviting Elmer to take off his shirt.

Elmer peels off Albert's shirt to reveal a red pressure wound covering his boyfriends' chest.

"Sweetheart, you need to let your body breathe," he whispers, taking off Albert's binder. He treats the wound and puts on the new shirt. "Now, get on in bed and drink your tea. I'll be back in two seconds," he rushes out of the bedroom, coming back a minute later with a glass of water.

When Elmer comes back, Albert was curled in bed, sipping his tea. "Ellie?"

Elmer sits next to Albert and smiles. "Yes, Sweetheart?"

"Thank you. For letting me talk about my dysphoria and stuff. Also for treating me like the true king I am," he says, flipping some imaginary hair behind his ear.

"Of course. I love helping you. When you're hurting, I'm hurting. Also, You are definitely my king," he smiles, holding Albert close, avoiding his injuries before turning the lights off and snuggling with Albert.

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