Another authors note

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Hello everyone who actually reads this trash! 

I just wanted to say, thanks for over 500 reads. But also, I just got some good news. 

The good news is that it is now summer break, so I now have more time to update. I have a ton of chapters planned out and I hope that you are ready. I also wanted to give you guys a say in what I write. Aside from being open to requests, I want to know which of these ideas you would like to see. By the way, a lot of these are kinda depressing.

* pinterest prompt

Person A dies after they adopt a child, and person B writes a journal for person A about their child and about how he's handling the whole situation

Person A gets sick and person B has to take care of person A, only to find out that person A has an incurable illness.

Person A gets a pet for person B, only to find out that person B got a pet for person A.

*Person A stubs their toe and drops the f bomb. Person B tells them to put money in the swear jar. Person A grabs a tin can and says "Based on what happened last night, you need to put money in the sin tin"

*Person A and person B are at the park, and person B is hanging upside down from the monkey bars trying to get A to kiss them.

*It's 3:00 in the morning, and person A is up making mac and cheese singing "Washington on Your Side" (Jefferson, where you at?). Person B walks downstairs and feasts on mac and cheese with person A.

Person A is daydreaming. Person B walks up behind them and asks what they are dreaming about. Person A pulls person B into a kiss.

If you have your own prompts, you can request them. I will do any ship, and if you want polyamorous ships, I can accomodate my prompts for those. 

To recap:
1. Thank you guys for 500 reads
2. Feel free to request prompts and ships for any listed prompts.



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