Javid: Math Things

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David sat on his couch, a steaming mug of tea in his hand as he read his book. He was content just laying there as the afternoon faded into the early evening. 

"Babe! Can you help me bring up groceries?" Jack called through the house. "I stopped on the way home because we needed a few things."

Davey puts his book down. "I'll be there in a second!" he calls, putting a pair of pants on and his fish slippers. His father had gotten him those slippers as a wedding present.

Jack hoists four bags onto the kitchen table. "There are six more bags. I'll get three you get three?"

Davey rushes out to the car, carries three bags into the house, and puts them on the table. "What did you buy?" he asks as Jack clambers into the house.

"It's for class tomorrow. I saw something in the math workbook that reminded me of myself."

Davey shook his head and opened the bags. "Why are there 72 watermelons on my kitchen table?"

Jack opened the third-grade math textbook. "See! Mr. Kelly bought 72 watermelons." Jack grinned and put his textbook back. "I have no impulse control and I couldn't bring you to my planning period today so I went out and bought watermelons. How much trouble would I get in if I brought a knife and cutting board and gave my kiddos watermelon?"

"Probably not a lot. Now, I want to go back upstairs and finish my book. I don't really care what you do with your watermelon, but I want to go upstairs and try to get comfy again."

Jack throws his husband over his shoulder and chuckles as Davey whines his protest. "Put me down!"

Jack throws Davey gently onto the bed and pulls off his jeans. "Taking off jeans is the best part of the day," he smiles, sliding into bed. "Getting to sleep with my very sexy husband is a very, very close second."

Davey chuckles. "I will say, sleeping with my sorta hot husband is pretty nice as well."

Jack gasped playfully and turned off the light, pulling his husband close to go to bed.

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