Redfinch: Umbrella

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It was a rainy afternoon and Albert and Finch were sharing Finch's non-binary umbrella as they walked down the bustling streets of New York City.

"Finchy, you know I love you, but I don't necessarily trust you navigating skills. I'm pretty sure we are walking in circles." Albert pushed his hair out of his eyes and looked into the sea of umbrellas.

Finch gasped. "How dare you question my navigation? I would never get my darling boyfriend lost." they chuckled, pulling Albert towards a small cafe. "May I treat you to a warm beverage?"

Albert opened the door for Finch. "You can. I could go for a hot cocoa right about now." he smiled and took his partner's hand, walking towards the counter with them.

Finch smiled as Albert ordered his hot chocolate, skipping off to a booth in the back of the cafe, leaving Finch to order and pay.

"Finchy! Smile!" Albert took a picture of them as the couple sat in the booth, waiting for their drinks.

Their drinks arrived and they sat in the tranquility of the cafe, their fingers intertwined as the rest of the world faded away.

When they had finished their drinks, Albert led Finch out of the cafe, holding the umbrella over them, protecting Finch from the rain.

"You want to know a secret?" Finch asked, laying their head on Albert's shoulder.

"What is that, Love?"

Finch looked up at Albert. "I used to hate rainy days, but I think you changed my mind."

Albert smiled. "Maybe next time it rains, we can dance in the street like nobody is watching."

"Maybe we can, Albie."

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