Chapter 16 - Ladybug

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*Five years ago*

Spring. The season of resurrection, life, nature. When every living creature, be it a tree, an animal, or even a human, woke up after the coldness and loneliness of winter and began to start a new year with new possibilities. The trees are dressed up with vivid green leaves, the flowers start to bloom - filling forests and homes with colors. Everything comes to life, everything is brighter and happier.

Normally, Mari would think about this time like anyone else - a hope for a new start. But this time was different. It was Mari's 16th birthday. It was meant to be the day when every girl attend their first ball with their mother on their side - to welcome into adulthood's first step.

Mari envied these girls. She often watched how they casually talked with their mums, how they helped out their daughters, making their dresses and their hair for this big event.

It was her ball tonight. Everyone who mattered was here. Marinette however, caught the first moment to escape from it and sat down on the stairs in front of the Palace's entrance. She didn't want to be there and pretend that everything was fine.

It has already been five years since her mother died or disappeared - they had never told her the truth. She eventually accepted - or at least tried to accept - that she had to grow up without a mum, but this fact on her birthdays was the most unbearable. A birthday without her mum, without the one she thanked for her life in the first place.

She hated these days so much. She would never hold this ball in the first place if it wasn't for her father - who insisted to host this event no matter what. At first, Mari thought her father did this to her to cheer her up a little bit but she eventually realized that it was only so that her father could meet with his businessmen without any inconvenience.

Throughout the years, Mari learnt to endure these events. Usually, she just hid in a not-so-crowded spot and just had a chat with Alya. But this day was unlike the others. It was meant to be special for her. Or so it should have been if her mother would be there.

She looked up at the Moon and closed her eyes. Although there was no shooting star in the sky, she still made a wish to be on this ball with her mother. A little drop of tears rose in her eyes and fell onto her cheeks.

"You miss her too, don't you?" Natalie whispered as she sat beside Mari. She didn't even notice when her aunt followed her out there.

"Every single day." Mari sighed - her gaze met with Natalie's. "This is not the same without her."

"Nothing is the same." Natalie agreed. "You know, sometimes I wish she would be here to see how her daughter has grown up and become a beautiful young lady." she smiled at Mari. "She would be so proud of you, Marinette."

"Would she be really?" Mari questioned Natalie. "I feel like I mess up everything. Even now, I should be at the ball and act as a perfect princess would but that's just.."

".. Not you." Her aunt interjected. "and your mum knew that exactly. She knew the moment you were born that you're special who was destined for greater things." she looked at Mari. "That's why she did everything to protect you and assure you a somewhat safe future."

Mari didn't know at that moment what Natalie was referring to exactly but she was thankful for her aunt for saying these things.

"Actually, I've wanted to find you so I can give you this," Natalie whispered and pulled out a red envelope.

Mari looked at it with curious eyes.

"It's.. A present from your mother. She told me to give this to you on your 16th birthday." she placed the envelope into Mari's hands and noted: "She said only open it when you're alone."

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