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*** Sexual and Violent Story ***

KinnPorsch Story by Daemi


--- VEGAS ---

"You and K.Kun have to find a way!!! You have to help me!! Or we all going to be in trouble."

Big walked away, leaving me filled with frustration. I got angrier as I thought about it. Big was so stupid. He has spread the First Family's stolen information to several parties...The most likely scenario is it would get back to bite us in the ass. Our corruption might be uncovered. Also, the matter that I always went behind Kinn's back could also came to light.

"God damn it!!!" My stress level intensified the more I think about it. Big was so stupid!!! Why did I have to be in conjunction with these unwise people. Tawan was another one. He has completely lost his senses. My inside was exploding... everything I saw was in the wrong place...Trashing my room wasn't going to help but it's my only outlet.

No easy way out ... No shortcut home...

Today, the warehouse incident was a complete disaster. Tawan was going to hell and he was dragging me down with him. He told everyone that I was the person feeding him Kinn's information. I admitted that... I didn't want lie to Porsche anymore... I wanted to come clean to him... and I was standing my ground that for the one I loved, I would never ever hurt his feeling. But that came out all wrong...That was not the confession I planned. This was like I had to start over with him again...Would that be possible?... Would he let me?

Fu*k's sake!!! My demon inside me was becoming unchained. There were tons of issues I needed to process... but where was the skein of the yarn. My father's anger came into my mind. My failure could potentially expose all of our business treachery and corruption secret...or I have to lose the love of my life. I felt the pain within ... I just wanted to use a knife and bleed it out.

Just like what my father said that I couldn't live without him. I was his good-for-nothing son. I was such a looser. A dumb stupid looser. I smeared things off my desk ... Why couldn't anything look right to me? As I was about to trash my computer, I felt the warmth from the machine. My cognizance came back to me... I haven't been using it so it shouldn't be warm as its last use was recent... very recent.

I took a deep breath and walked around trying to confirm my suspicious. I was known for being a neat freak and some of the paperwork on the shelves were not as I left them. Someone was in here...

The balcony door was still locked. If that person was lucky, he has left. If not, he was still here somewhere... where could he be? I searched and came across the cracked open closet door. I let out a smile...

Yes... There was no easy way out of the rabbit hole.

"Clean these up", I ordered 2 of my bodyguards after I let them in and they went to work. I was setting a trap. They were my backup. If he dared to be in here, I would have been definite that he didn't come away empty-handed.

KinnPorsche Story by Daemi -- RECAPWhere stories live. Discover now