Chapter 14 - I'm an Idiot

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A/N: If there is anyone easily triggered by self harm I suggest that you shouldn't read this chapter. I hope no one is offended in any sort of way.

I had just gotten back to the hotel from our shopping trip. Miami was lovely, yet unbelievably humid. I sighed as I entered my air conditioned room. We all agreed that after all the walking we've done, that we'd take a rest. I remembered that Harry had an interview going on right now, so I'd figured I'd turn it to the channel it was on. I turned to the channel and saw a blonde interviewer pop up. She was wearing a dress that showed a tad too much and her face seemed to completely caked in makeup.

"Ok, they've toured almost all over the world and have sold millions of albums worldwide. Please welcome One Direction!" The interviewer announced.

The boys walked in and took their seats, Harry seated next to her. She smirked at him and he just smiled back.

"So how's the tour going boys?" She asked scooting closer to Harry, who seemed to have no reaction about it.

"It's going well, actually, I think the fans have really liked what we've done." Liam replied.

The interviewer nodded while she placed her hand on Harry's leg, he still didn't do anything about it. I could feel the jealousy begin to rise in me and I could see that Louis noticed her movements.

"So, who's single here?" She asked while winking at Harry.

Only Liam raised his hand and she frowned when she saw Harry's hand down.

"Ahh yes, Harry, you've recently been off the market, how is she?" She asked sort of scowling at the word "She".

I'm really not liking the way this lady is bitching.

"She's great, I've loved having her on tour with me. The best part is that she likes me for me, not for my fame or money." Harry replied politely.

A picture of Harry and I appeared on the screen behind them. Once again, I felt as if I looked terrible in the photo. The wind was blowing my hair slightly in to my face as we were surrounded by paparazzi. I remember that day perfectly. We'd gone out to lunch and as we were leaving the place we were swarmed by paparazzi. Harry, of course, had his arm protectively around me as he guided me through the mess. It wasn't one of my most delightful dates with him.

She rolled her eyes, "Yea you must be real lucky with her." She commented sarcastically while putting her hand on top of his.

By that point the rest of the boys were making faces at her while Harry still had no reaction, he just kept smiling at her. Throughout the rest of the interview the woman was practically on top of Harry and she kept throwing occasional compliments towards him, which he didn't question. By the end of the interview I was fuming and Harry seemed to not mind the attention he got from her. Once the show ended I shut off the TV and let out an angry growl, which was quite disturbing.

How could he just let her be all over him like that? I wonder if they're practically eating each others mouths backstage now! I know I shouldn't be jealous, but seeing that blonde bimbo all over him made me want to barf out my lunch. He didn't even reject her movements!

I sat cross-legged on the couch lost in thought until I heard the door open.

"Hey babe!" Harry smiled taking off his shoes, I ignored his presence.

He came and sat next to me, leaning in for a kiss. I rejected it and he looked at me with a questioning glance.

"Uh, what's wrong?" He asked.

"Why don't you ask your blonde girlfriend." I replied sourly.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

Be My Escape - A One Direction / Harry Styles FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now