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Gabriella Dixon's life was nothing like unicorns and rainbows. Life with her parents made her hate men because of what her father did.He never took care of her and always gambled and lost everything her mum and dad worked for. Her mum ( Kelly) was always a kind caring, nature lover who never stood for violence. Kelly her mum fell in love with Aaron (Gabriella's dad) in highschool.
She was so in love with Aaron that she never beared the taught of Aaron having a reckless life. Aaron during highschool was never a bad boy or a nerd. Aaron is 6.4 foot tall,has pale skin also has a dark coloured hair.
As for Kelly is 5.4 foot tall,has toned skin and has a blonde coloured hair. They both got married after highschool. And that was after Aaron started acting weird and started coming home late. He was always drunk and started cheating on Kelly. He followed bad influence that led him to start gambling. Few years later Kelly found out she was pregnant. When Aaron found out she was pregnant,he wanted her to abort the baby but Kelly protested against it.And this brought more complications in their marriage. When Gabriella was born everything got much worse. Aaron was never home and Kelly was the only one who took care of Gabriella and raised her.
Gabriella at a young age knew all that was happening around her. She knew what her father was doing and how it affected her mum greatly . Her mum always cried and cursed herself for being stupid and not listening to the others when they warned her.
Gabriella was never a tall or short person. She always kept a bored face all the time and never believed in love.
She thinks as love as a stupid feeling because of what she saw her mum go through

Cold Hearted Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora