Chapter 15

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Gabriella's pov

Beep, beep, beep...... My alarm clock woke me, I groaned because I didn't want to go to school and I have to decide whether I'm going to senior year or going straight to university. I got up and went to the bathroom did my bathroom routine and brushed my teeth. I wore a blue short jeans with a red flannel top with my down shoe and went downstairs with a frown still on my face.
"What's wrong?" Mum questioned when I reached.
"I still don't know what to do"
"What do you want?" Mum asked.
" I want to go to the university but I also don't want to leave you this early".
"You know I will be safe right"
"I know".
"So then, what's stopping you".
"I still don't know".
"Since there is nothing stopping you, why don't you just go to uni right away and start chasing your dream"she said.
"Ok" I said after giving it a thought.
"Tnx Mum".
"No problem baby girl".
I ate breakfast quickly and made my way to school thinking about the designs I have. I went straight to the principle's office once I reached the school, when I reached there knocked on the door without waiting for a response I entered.
" Good morning"
"Good morning" he responded.
"I have decided to go to London university of fashion. " I said.
"That's good" he said. He took a long pause and then continued " the students body and teachers will have a going out party for you during lunch." He said.
I said thank you and got out of his office. The period before lunch I used it to clear my locker. The bell rung indicating it's lunch so I went to the cafeteria, since the out going ceremony is been held .
I entered the cafeteria and everyone was there and were looking at me.
The principle called me and I went to stand by him ignoring people's heated gaze.

Nobody's pov

"We are gathered here today to award the first person in the history of Amber highschool who has the highest GPA in the whole school. Due to her mind blowing and wonderful performance in every thing she does and especially in her academic work, she has the chance to skip senior year and start attending the university. Please give a round of applause for Gabriella Dixon.
The students quickly recovered from their shock and started clapping and cheering.
From tomorrow Gabriella Dixon the valedictorian of the school will stop coming to this school and this ceremony was held for her so give her another round of applause." The principle ended.
Blake and his friends could not contemplate what just happened.
The whole school congratulated her and celebrated with her.

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