Chapter 32

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Gabriella's pov

I woke up today feeling weak and cold. I know I'm sick and should stay home but since I'm a huge workaholic I went to work.
I called my driver to come for me since I can't drive in my current situation.
I arrived at my work place late and told my secretary not to disturb me and cancel my appointments and meetings.
I entered my office and started working, I started feeling dizzy so I stopped and placed my head on my desk.
Not long after someone badged in.

Drake's pov

The embarrassment Gabriella made me face yesterday still replayed in my head today.
I got dressed and made my way to her office. I arrived and went to the reception.
"  I'm here to meet Ms Dixon."
" Ms Dixon cancelled all her meetings and appointment."
" Call her and tell her I'm here." I demanded
The receptionist/ secretary called her but she didn't answer.
I got angry and and went straight to her office even if I didn't know there, her secretary telling me to get back.
I finally reached a double door with Ms Dixon written on it.
I entered and saw her head is on her desk .
" What's the meaning of this? Don't you know the more you delay the more I'm at lost." I said harshly. She raised her head and stood up.
" I'm not in the mood for this. Leave." She said in a small voice laced with sass
" I'm losing money and you are telling me to leave."
" I said leave....." She couldn't continue and passed out. I rushed to her and carried her bridal style, she was burning up. Her secretary was standing near the door, I rushed past her and the building to my car. I drove quickly back home and carried her to my bedroom and laid her on my bed .
I went to the kitchen and filled a bowl with cold water and went back to my bedroom, I went to my bathroom for a towel.
I came back and sat by her and placed the towel in the water and placed it on her head . I did for a while but she was still burning up so I called my private doctor. It rung thrice before he picked up.
" Hell doctor Daniel."
" Hell Drake,is everything alright?"
" Yeah but there is some I want you to come and look at my house right now."
" Ok I will be on my." He said and hanged up.
30minutes later doctor Daniel arrived. I let him in.
" Where is the patient?"
" In my bedroom,follow me." I said and lead him to my room.
We reached my room and he started examining her. He was done and his face disapproval.
" What's wrong,is she okay?"I asked worriedly.
" How she is related to you?"
" She is my girlfriend." I lied
" Has she been stressed lately."
" She didn't look stressed to me ."
" Well, it seems she hardly sleeps and eat. And she is under a lost of stress."
" I will advice she will be on bed rest for 3weeks and not to do anything that will put her under stress." He continued
" Ok , what about the fever?"
He wrote something on a piece of paper and handed it to me.
" Buy the medicine on the prescription I handed to you it will help with the fever and help reduce the headache pains."
" Ok thank you."
" I will take my leave."
" Let me walk you out."
I called my best friends after the doctor left to come over. They arrived shortly and I told them everything that happened.
I told vee to stay and take care of Gabriella whiles Ethan and I go and get the drugs.
We got back from the store and I wished my friends goodnight and went to my room. I sat by Gabriella and checked her temperature I didn't know when I fell asleep.

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