Chapter 18

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Gabriella's pov

Starting university was hard to do. I didn't know my way around campus and finding my way to my first lecture was difficult, I bumped into a lot of people since I was looking at the map I was holding. I bumped into another person and almost fell and the person was Hardin.
"Are you ok?" He asked
"Yeah but what are you doing here I thought you went to a community college?"
"Yeah but I came for my wallet from my friend ".
Hardin showed me around campus and took me to my first first class , I thanked him and entered the class and took my seat and listened to the lecturer.
Finding the rest of my class weren't as difficult as it was before. Two more periods passed and it's lunch time. I got out campus, and took my phone out and checked for a cafe. I found one that close to the university and it's a 5 minutes drive. I hailed a cab and told the driver where I was heading.
We reached there, I payed and got out. The cafe looked like one of the cafe's back home.
I entered and looked at the menu.
"Welcome to sunshine cafe what can I get for you?" The person behind the counter who's name is Ella from reading her name tag asked.
" I will have a chocolate latte with cream".
She told me to go to the cashier to make payment for my drink, the cashier asked me what I ordered but his voice seemed weirdly familiar.
"Chocolate latte with cream". I said and started looking for my purse in my bag.
"That will be 6 dollars 30cents " the cashier said and handing me my receipt.
I handed the cashier the money only to see Hardin as the cashier no wonder the voice seemed familiar. I took the receipt and turned to see Ella waiting with my drink, I went to her and took my drink and found a seat near the window. I out my phone and called mum she answered after the second ring .
" Hi mum"
"Hello dear ,how are you?"
"I'm good and you"
"I'm great infact I'm wonderful"
" Really what happened?"
" I got promoted today at work" she said with so much excitement.
"Wow that's great news" I said extremely happy for her.
We spoke for a couple of minutes, before saying our goodbyes. I checked the time and realized I still have about 30 minutes to my next lecture so I continued drinking my latte when someone sat by me , I looked up to see Hardin.
Great just fucking great why is he everywhere I thought.
" I want us to talk" Hardin started.
" You are already ready talking" I said whiles rolling my eyes.
" I am serious" he said.
" I never said you were joking but anyway continue" .
He gave me a really look but continued.
" I want us to make this roommate thing work and maybe have a friendly relationship"
" I don't do friends but I can try"
" Ok I can work with that"
" But don't get your hopes up" I said.
" Well I have to get back to work".
"Ok" I said whiles checking the time and realized I have to get going otherwise I will be late.
" Don't you have a class" I asked.
"Really when did you start to care about what he does "my subconscious mocked me.
" No I don't have lectures today".
"Ok I have to get going".
I reached campus in a nick of time and rushed to class to class with my emotionless face .
The day ended and boy was I exhausted, I realized the apartment in about 10minutes , I freshen up and went to the kitchen to prepare a meal even though I'm not a great cook. I cooked pasta with garlic bread and kept Hardin's share in the microwave for it to be warm for him. I went to the living room and searched through the channels but nothing caught my eye I finally found a fashion channel and watched it whilst eating . I started feeling sleepy,so I turned off the television and went to clean up the kitchen and left a note for Hardin and went to bed.
Days followed in the same routine, wake up, shower, go to campus, call mum, come back, shower,eat and go to bed

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