Chapter 36

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Gabriella's pov

I became very busy after the date , Drake even asked me for another date but I haven't yet answered him and I'm kinda avoiding him .
I asked Hardin whether accept or not and he told me to go with what my heart told me (cliche I know) .
I made my mind to tell Drake I will go on a date with him. Today I dressed in a white flannel top with short ripped jeans with my canvas. I went to my office and started working on new designs when Drake suddenly barged into my office.
" What's are you doing here?" I asked and looked at him and then back to my work.
" I just came to check on you and see your answer to my question."
I stood up and walked in front of my desk and leaned on it.
" So you did you really miss me." I teased
Well Hardin did tell me to follow my heart and my heart told me to tease him. I thought.
" How about you show me how much you miss me." I said and walked around him
" Oh really." He asked amused.
He walked towards me dangerously and I backed away bit by bit till my back hit the wall and he corned me.
I'm now a sandwich between him and the wall.
" What are you doing?" I asked trying to avoid my voice from shaking.
" Showing you how I much I missed you."
" Wha..." I am cut off by a pair of lips that came in contact with mine, it took me a minute to come out of the shock before I started kissing him back. The kiss was rough and passionate,he pulled my body closer to his and asked for entrance which I clearly denied. He squeezed my ass which made me gasps and he entered his tongue into my mouth. We both fought for dominance which he clearly won.
We pulled away to breath, his forehead on mine.
" Wow that was....." I started
" Amazing." He finished.
I just remembered what just happened and started to blush.
Wait, when did I start blushing
Since now bitch
Shut up
My internal battle with my self ended when he called.
"Are you okay?"
" Yeah. Why?"
" Your facing is heating up or are you blushing." He teased
" Shut up." I said and blushed more.
He laughed and hugged me
" I'm glad I'm your first kiss."
I blushed even more and hugged him back.
" Yes."
"Yes for what."
" I will go on a date with you."
" You just made my day."
" I have to ask you something." He said
" What's it?"
" Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked nervously.
" Yeah why not."
He kissed me again.


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