Chapter 24

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Gabriella's pov

The following day I woke up early as 4:00am and submitted my assignment which is due today. I freshen up and got dressed in a yellow sundress with my white canvas and did a french braid to my hair, sprayed my perfume and went to the living room, only to see Hardin eating cereals on hearing my footsteps he turned.
" Where are you off to?"
" Oh shit, I forgot to tell you that I had the Job."
" I'm happy for you."
" I have to get going before I become late on my first day and when I returned we will have a talk."
" Ok."
I went out the door and I walked a little to get a cab faster. I saw a cab coming my direction, I stopped it and boarded it.
" Where to?" The weird looking driver asked.
" Juliet co."
" Where is that?"
" There is a thing called GPS use it." I responded sharply and annoyed then went on my phone, to check if all my designs were intact. Whiles checking my designs the driver spoke.
" We have arrived."
" How much for the fare."
" 15 dollars."
I paid and got out of the car without thanking the driver. I entered the building and saw the secretary I met yesterday dressed in a long sleeved blue shirt with a white jeans with heels .
" Good morning."
" Good morning." She responded with a friendly smile.
" Can you show me we I'm suppose to stay whiles working."
" Yes, follow me."
I followed her to the elevator which she entered first then I followed her she pressed the button that leads to Juliet's floor. The elevator dinged, the secretary got out, and I followed her.
She lead me to the office opposite Juliet's office.
" Ma'am said she will like for you to be near her." She said pointing to the office.
" Ok no problem."
We entered the office, she stood at the entrance, while I look around.
" Don't you like it."
" Oh no it's lovely."
" I will leave you to get settled in."
" Ok thanks."
" Don't worry." She said and walked out of the office closing the door behind her.
I got settled and started working. I picked my phone  to get the designs off it, I took the materials which i need for the dresses. The ringing of my phone disturbed my working.
I answered the call without looking at the person calling.
" Hello."
" Yeah."
" Gabby, I'm calling to tell you I will be late, I have a  project in school which I must finish else I have to retake this year." Hardin said
" Ok, don't worry and study hard."
" Ok I got to go,see you at the apartment."
" Bye" I said and hanged up.
I went back to work, I was so focused that I didn't notice the time Juliet came to the office. I didn't notice her till she made her presence known .
" Gabriella."
" Yes ." I answered and removed my attention from the dresses I was working on and turned to the direction of the voice and saw Juliet.
" How are you doing?"
" Fine, what about you?"
" Good."
" How are you adjusting to the place?"
" I'm ok."
" Hope you are comfortable?"
" Yes."
" Good, I just came to check up on you."
" Ok thanks."
" How many dresses are you working on?"
" 5 dresses and I'm done with 2 dresses."
" Wow impressive, good job keep it up." She said with a proud smile planted on her face.
" Thank you."
" It's almost lunch time, won't you be going out."
" Not yet, I have to wrap up everything before I step out."
" Ok then, I'm leaving early today so if anything you can ask my secretary or call me." She said and walked out of the office closing the door.
I returned to work and forgot to head out for lunch, around 3 my dresses were almost done and my stomach started to grumble. I wrapped up everything and went out of my office and locked the door. I entered the elevator and pressed the button that lead to the reception. I got out of the elevator and walk towards the exit not before passing the secretary who's name i got to know was Mae.
" I'm going home,see you tomorrow."
" Ok have a nice evening." 
I nodded and got out of the office and ordered an Uber.
Few minutes later the Uber arrived, during the drive I ordered pizza for Hardin and I. I payed the driver and entered the apartment. I went straight to my room and freshen up and changed into new clothes. The door bell rung and I knew the pizza has arrived, I took the money and opened the door and saw the delivery boy. I paid and took the pizza boxes from him, and closed the door.
I took one of the pizza and a juice box and started eating.
Halfway through, the apartment door opened and closed so I knew Hardin was back.
" Go and freshen up then we will have a chat."
" Ok "Hardin said and went to his room.
Hardin later came back to the living room holding two pizza boxes with root beer.
" Good evening." Hardin greeted and started eating.
" Evening."
" Do you remember, when you asked me why I am emotionless to everyone but my mum and you."
" Yeah."
" Well it's started when I was a child, my dad was never really a dad to me, he never did what normal dad's did with their children instead he shouted at me , calling me a disgrace and an unplanned child. He never took care of me and also came back late and drunk. When mum told him to stop but there is a child in the house, he always shouted and said I was mistake. I always covered my ear with my pillow and to avoid hearing them shouting at each other. Things took a horrible turn , when he started grumbling, he grumbled all mum's savings and even grumbled our house. We didn't have a place to stay and he been a coward left us . Mum and I had to sleep on the street for a month before she finally had a job. She rented one bedroom apartment for us. Mum also wanted me to have a three course meal while she starved herself. Me at a young age knew everything and knew all the sacrifices mum made for me so I told her to stop focusing on me but she should keep the money so we can get our own house. This continued for a year, and mum bought a new house and we could now afford a three course meal. I heard my mum always cry herself to sleep. So I promised myself that I will not show any kind of emotion to anyone apart from my mum ."
" I'm sorry you had to go through that." He said with a sympathy laced in his voice.
" Don't be and I don't want your sympathy."
We sat in an awkward silence till Hardin broke it.
" I actually have something to say." He said biting his nails and he always does that when he is nervous.
" Remember the first time we met, when we bumped into each other."
" Yeah" I nodded my head sharply wanting him to continue.
" Well it was all a plan by Blake, for me to get to know you so I can report to him and tell him things about you, to make him know your likes and dislikes to help him in the plan to make you fall for him. But that's not all, when you rejected my friendship,he followed you himself to ask you to be friends but you also rejected him , he came back and told me the plan was off ,so I came back to the university."
I was shocked to the core, I knew Blake made a bet with his friends to make me fall for him but I never knew he would go this far.
" So why was he acting as if he didn't know you when we were visiting my mum, if he already knew you."
" He later called me and apologized for shouting at me. He said he had an argument with his dad because of his dad's company. His dad wants Blake to take over but he doesn't want to to but build his own. And he didn't want you to know we know each other."
"That's a lot to take in ." I said
" What's so special about me that Blake had to go through all this to make me fall for him." I thought.
" You are special."
" Wait I said that out loud."I asked skeptically
" Yes you did." He said with a small laugh
" As I was saying, you are special to your mum and me . Even if you are not special to some people, you are to me. You are like a little sister I never had , you are talented in so many ways." He said whole hearted.
" Thanks for letting me know, I really appreciate."
" Don't worry and I'm sorry." He said in a voice laced in regret.
" Don't apologize and you're like a big brother to me." I stood up and hugged him.
" I'm off to bed, today was exhausting."
" Ok sleep tight."

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