Chapter 2

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Gabriella's pov

As I entered the school I kept my face emotionless to avoid getting noticed. I always hated attention and I don't like the idea of having friends. My main aim is to finish highschool and obtain scholarship to the school of my dreams ( which is London college of fashion) . So I avoided any type of friendship. As I was walking to my locker i saw the school's bad boy and play boy kissing one of his whore against my locker. I kept my emotionless facade and went there. I cleared my throat to stop them but my effort was proved fruitless, so I pushed them from my locker. The girl screamed bloody murder which annoyed me more.
"What the heck"Blake asked in an annoyed voice.
I replied with a smirk on my face "You and your slut were blocking my way".
This made him more annoyed but what me was the amused smirk that replaced the annoyed look on his face. But I kept my kept my emotionless facade.
"Why do you want to have a chance with me" Blake asked with the amused smirk still on his face.
I gave him a mocking smile and said " I don't want to have sex with an human infected disease, so if you will excuse me I have a class to get to".
I gave him one last look and made my way to class. On my way I heard him hit the locker.
Class was boring even though I am clever and learnt all the topics at least the teacher should make the class a little interesting.
I placed my air pod in my ears and listened to music till class ended. Class ended and I walked out of class with my air pod still in my ears.
I take six AP classes. My second period was gym. I made my way to the gym I thought I hit a wall since I wasn't looking at where I was going but when I looked and made a up it was (drumroll 🥁) Blake and his three friends, I didn't say sorry and just walked past them to the gym.I reached the gym and went to the girl locker room and changed when I got back into the gym. Coach announced that we were playing basketball. Gabriella, coach called "you will be the captain of team A" .
Blake, couch called"you will be the captain of team B " . Coach blew the whistle indicating the starting of the match.
The match started and my team was leading with 8 points. Blake was getting angrier every second and I'm enjoying every second of his pain.
Sometimes I think a little part of me is a sadist. Blake looked at me and had an unreasonable expression, which worried me a bit but I didn't show it.
It was further during the match when he made a dirty trick to make me break my leg, but I made it back fire and he ended up spraining his ankle. He was fuming when coach announced my team the winning team.
I gave him an amused smirk and made my way out of the gym. For the rest of the day I didn't see Blake. On my way I passed by the park and sat there for a while before deciding to get home.
On reaching the house I heard shouting and glass shattering so I run to the house and what I saw shocked me to the core.

( What do you think she saw in the house).

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