Chapter 16

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Gabriella's pov

I went straight home from the ceremony, surprisingly mum was home, I told her everything and she was happy for me. I spent the rest of the semester, finding an apartment but all the ones I found were really expensive so I has to share an apartment with someone. I bought all the necessary things I needed and even looked for available jobs. my flight was also settled and was at the beginning of senior year. I used the rest of my time to work on new designs.
Time really flies , today is the day I'm leaving home and leaving mum was one of the hardest things I ever done . I went through the procedures at the airport and I'm now seated in my seat. The plane landed and I hailed a cab that drove me to my roommate's apartment.
Arriving at my roommate's apartment soon to be mine, I knocked but no one answered, I even called my roommate's number but it was not answered, but luckily my roommate told me where he kept the spare key so it and unlocked the door and sat on the couch to waited.

Hardin's pov

Today my roommate is coming but I got caught up in school and I also forgot to charge my phone and to top it off my phone is messing up.
I saw someone calling me but I couldn't pick it cause my phone is messing up.
The good thing is that I told my roommate where I kept my spare key.
I quickly finished what I was doing and rushed back to my apartment, when I reached the door, I noticed my door was slightly opened, so I knew my roommate was in there.
I entered my apartment and saw the person I least excepted in my apartment.

Nobody's pov

"What are you doing here?" we both shouted upon seeing each other.
" Me! what are you doing here?" We both asked again.
"Ok what do you want? " Hardin asked.
Gabriella was confused and said" I am supposed to meet my roommate today but when I reached here, I knocked but no one answered and I called but no reply, but my roommate told me where the spare key is kept so I took it and entered and we are here ".
"Well I'm your roommate " Hardin said.
"Oh Ok " Gabriella answered.
"So how is this roommate thing going to work?" Gabriella asked.
"Ok so we have to be friendly" he said remembering their first encounter with each other. He continued " and if you want everything don't bother to ask me".
"Ok" Gabriella said.
"Let me show you your room and give you a tour" Hardin said.
Gabriella nodded and Hardin give her a tour and showed her room, she entered and started unpacking and got settled in.

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