Chapter 26

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Blake's pov

These past years has been stressful. During my college days I worked hard but I didn't stop playing girls, I used them to release my frustration. Dad finally supported my plan to build my own modelling agency. Right after college I started building my agency. I worked hard everyday and two years later I'm the proud CEO of my own modelling agency. I have an event coming up and my fashion designer cancelled on me so I decided to ask mum for help.
" Mum." I said after she picked.
" Yes dear."
"Mum , I need your help."
" With what?"
" Mum I need one of your fashion designers to help me with my up coming event."I said with seriousness.
"How about my favorite fashion designer?"
" Anything works I just need a fashion designer."
" Ok so how is everything at the office?"
" Normal."
" But how will I meet this designer of yours?"
" We will meet at Starbucks 4:30 today, because she has to travel tomorrow."
"Thanks mum,I owe you one."
" How about settling down and stop whoring around." She said in a serious voice.
" Mum not now , I will settle down when I'm ready."
" Then when will you be ready, I'm going old I need to see my grandchildren before I die."
" Mum please not now ,we will talk when I get there."
" Ok take care."
" You too." I said and hanged up.
I got up and went out of my office.
" Cancel all my appointment for today I won't be available." I said sharply to my secretary and went out not waiting for her reply.
From my company to Starbucks was a 10 minutes drive. I entered my car , turn on my GPS and was on my way.
I arrived at Starbucks early due to I was over speeding. I went to an empty seat and a waitress came asking me for my order.
" Do you need anything sir." She said sending me a seductive look .
" I don't need anything, you can go." I said harshly
" Are you sure?" She asked trying to make her voice  sad but she sounded like a dying cat .
" Yes, or should I get u fired instead." I said with a smirk playing on my face.
" No I will go." She rushed off.
Mum and her guest kept me waiting for a good 30 minutes. I got angry and was about to leave when mum entered.
" Sorry,I kept you waiting."
" Don't worry about it, but you could have told me you will be late.".
" I had to get something done and my phone battery died."
" Ok but where is the fashion designer?"
" She is on her way, she had to crosscheck her things , she will be her any second."
We sat for while before hearing commotion outside.
" What's happening."
" Oh nothing, that the person we are waiting for."
As soon as mum finished talking the door to Starbucks opened and a lady in a black and white tracksuit with canvas entered. Damn she was beautiful, she looked like she was looking for someone. When she saw mum , she smiled and made her way here. She looked quite familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.
" Hi Juliet." She said with a smile on her face and hugged mum.
" Hello dear."
" So where is the person you want me to meet?"
" Oh right, Gabriella meet my son Blake Anderson and Blake meet Gabriella Dixon.
As if time stopped we looked at each other til she removed her sunglasses. The smile on her face was long gone and was replaced with her famous emotionless look, she turned to look at mum then me.
" Hi Gabriella." I said and stretched my hand for her to shake but she only nodded and looked at my hand then took her seat , I redrew my hand. Mum took her seat followed by me.
" Gabby I need a favor from you." Mum started the conversation.
" You know you don't have to ask, I will do anything for you."
" I want you to help Blake with his new modelling project.
" Ok but I'm only doing it for your sake." Gabriella said eyeing me from head to toe.
" Ok thanks dear."
Tension between Gabriella and I was thick, mum noticed and broke it.
"Do you two know each other?"
" No" we both said together
" Ok" mum said slowly
" Juliet I have to get going."
" Ok dear."
Gabriella and mum hugged each other and said their goodbyes.
I was lost in thought when mum snapped me out.
" What's the weird tension between you two?"
" There is no tension between us."
" Ok then I must take my leave."
" Take care mum, can me when you arrive and tell dad and Chloe I said hi."
We both left Starbucks and went our separate ways. I didn't bother to go to the office so I went straight home.

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