Link's Stubbornness is Annoying

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Link's POV

It's been a few days since we saved Wild and a couple more since we arrived back at the castle.

Wild looked at the castle with a different kind of shock and awe then others have. I could see the melancholy glinting in his familiar cerulean eyes.

And again, I wondered if we really were related. He looks so much like me.

If fact, if he cut his hair and didn't have those nasty scars... We would probably look almost the same.

I couldn't help but feel a little suspicious about Wild, and want to know a bit more about Wild's family. But whenever I bring it up, he managed to dodge out of it.

I tried another tactic and asked the heroes. But they never said anything and passed it of as personal.

So I finally decided to just ask what Wild's last name is. If he answers Forrest, I'll know he's a part of my family.

But I haven't found a chance to ask.

It's as if the heroes started avoiding me the second my curiosities about Wild's family. I just want to know if the rumors were true and we were related.

I just sorta hope that he's from my sister's side... It'll be a little less embarrassing.

I decided to ask on our journey to the Spring of Courage, where he'll be.


Wild's POV

I don't know what Link wants.

He keeps coming up and asking about my family. Even going as far too ask the others!

Was I like that? Curious to the point of arrogance?

I hope not.

Today, we were set to go to Faron Woods, to the Spring of Courage.

I don't have memories of going there before the Calamity, so I don't know what to expect. But I do know that Zelda won't unlock her powers here.

I want to help her, and simultaneously keep Link away from Fort Hateno.

I couldn't live with myself if someone suffered like I did. I couldn't live with myself if I can't change the fate of the Champions.

I kept close to Twilight as he tacked-up Epona. Said mare snuffled my hair as I absentmindedly fed her an apple.

I was wearing a white blouse borrowed from Flora, and a loose, deep blue skirt that went to my knees. I wore leather boots.

My hair was pulled into a complex-looking braid, crisscrossed with ribbons, courtesy of both Warriors and Legend.

Teba, Saki, and Tulin's feathers were all tucked into my braid.

"Something on your mind, Cub?" Twilight's voice snapped me out of my reverie.

I shrugged. I didn't want to talk about it. I'm positive Twilight got the message, but decided to be Twilight.

"You sure?" He pressed, tightening Epona's girth.

"Doesn't that hurt her?" I asked out of the blue, trying to change the subject.

Twilight narrowed his eyes suspiciously. He always knows when something's up. But he let it drop. Finally.

The Rancher patted his trusty steed heartily. "No. Epona's a tough girl, I doubt anything could sway her. Besides, the girth is the most important piece of tack. It keeps the saddle steady and the rider—me—from falling off."

I hummed as I stroked Epona's blaze. She snickered and stomped her foot, as if trying to get me to talk.

"What if I can't save them?" I finally relented.

Twilight's face was neutral, if he was surprised he didn't let it show.

The hero—the real hero who saved everyone—abandoned his horse and pulled me into a embrace.

I melted and wrapped my arms around his back, holding back tears.

"I know you want to save them." Twilight said quietly in my ear. "But you can't do everything. So if you can't... it's not your fault. It's never been your fault. It's been Ganon's from the start."

Epona whinnied in agreement and blew hot air on my forehead. I reached up and laid my hand on her velvety muzzle.

Twilight held me out at arm's length, looking me over with a calculating eye.

Epona nosed my shoulder, pulling a grumble from me, and a laugh from Twi.

"Come on," Twilight suggested. "let's get going, we need to meet the others."

I vaulted onto my own (borrowed) horse, Echo. She had a red roan coat and white socks (in front) and stockings (in back).

I was riding side-saddle which was the only disadvantage to wearing skirts, but I managed. Twilight was helping me get better at controlling my steed's gaits.

I followed him, on Epona out the stable.

It lead to a field where the rest of our company was gathering.

Zelda was riding her pure-white horse, Storm and Link rode beside her on a silver bay horse that looked just like Epona. But with long, snowy hair and a star.

"Is that everyone?" Zelda asked innocently, her voice was coated with a noble accent, one that I later learned she hated, because it made her sound like some snobby noble.

In my time, she had replaced it with a southern one, gained from the good people of Hateno where we spent most of our time.

Time nodded respectfully.

Zelda sighed, letting her shoulders slump. And suddenly, she looked like that stressed, scared, kind girl I met so many years ago.

But she quickly gathered herself back up. "Alright then, let's... get... going then."

She turned her horse around and spurred him into a gentle trot, the rest of us following.

As we left the castle grounds, I sensed a pair on eyes on my back.

I didn't need to look to know it was the King, the one who loves his daughter, beneath all his high—too high—expectations.

This was going to be a long trip.


Yay! I did it!

I'm sorry if you didn't understand some of the horse related terms I used, I know not all people know a bunch bout horses.

And sorry for my southern accent, that's why some things might be worded differently.

Here's a list of the vocab I used, in case you don't understand.

Tack: The gear riders put on horses to ride them comfortably.

Girth: A strap that wraps under the horse and behind its legs, keeping the saddle secure.

Blaze: A thick white stripe on a horses head, it usually reaches from their forehead to their muzzle.

Red roan: A color of a horse's coat, it's brown but shines red.

Socks: White markings that reach up a horse's ankle.

Stockings: White markings that reach up to a horse's knees.

Star: A dot in the middle of a horse's forehead.

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