Wind Is Like A Fly to Harbinger Ganon. A Horse Fly, That Is.

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"We gotta find the evil egg now." I said. With Astor having retreated (the coward) we need to find Ganon next.

"'Evil Egg'?" Sky echoed, amused.

"We gotta call it somethin' now don't we?"

"Can't argue with that." Sky smiled. "Now c'mon Sailor, you're the only one who knows your grandma's soup recipe. Can't have you dyin' on us."

"Good to know you care." I shot back, amused.

"If Astor was in the first Gatehouse, then Ganon must be in the second one." Desi reasoned logically.

The second Gatehouse wasn't much further up the path and didn't look any different from the first Gatehouse, except for the fact that the first gatehouse was much more intact and had there had been less Malice.

Malice dripped from the balconies, seeped through the cracks, and dripped from the ceiling inside the Gatehouse.

But the path before us that led to the Gatehouse was eerily clear, with Malice lining the path. As if we were being funneled toward the Gatehouse. We had no other choice but to go forward.

"Pretty sure he's in there." I pointed out bluntly.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious." Legend said, looking warily at the Gatehouse.

"Whelp, nowhere to go but forward." I said, striking out and marching up the broken cobblestone path.

"There is another way." I heard Twilight mutter. "Backward." But they couldn't let me go on alone and I soon heard rocks crunching under their boots as they followed.

"Slow down, Sailor!" Warriors cried just before I entered the Gatehouse. I obliged because if I was telling the truth, I was scared of going in alone. I had a bad feeling about the Gatehouse, plus it was just common sense not to walk into a rickety place that's dripping with a substance that could melt a Goron (it'd take a while, but it'd happen).

Warriors and Time yelled at the others that they'd go with me and I felt Wars' hand on my shoulder.

"Let's go!" I said optimistically. I could hear Wars and Time roll their eyes (good-naturedly, I hope) and follow me into the Gatehouse.

We couldn't see the evil egg anywhere on the ground at least. "Up there!" Time said (he was always the first to look up, probably because he had a lot of bosses on the ceiling). We followed his gaze and saw the ceiling was covered with Malice, and Ganon was hanging out of it, arms dangling in the wind. Its eye was off, but when I made a sound (definitely of surprise not of fear, what are you talking about?) the eye lit up.

Ganon fell from the ceiling, taking some of the Malice as he fell. Wars and Time hid themselves and me behind their shields because mine is wooden and wouldn't do so good when covered in Malice.

Wars and Time shook the Malice off their shields and stood up. Ganon had landed in a pool of Malice, splattering the wall with Malice.

I am so sick of Malice.

Ganon rose. He wore the little guardian's skeleton as he rose, he held guardian weapons in every 'hand', and he pulled himself up on guardian legs.

Its head swung around to face us. It was red. An angry red.

Its eye was fixated on all of us at once as the rest of the body turned to align with the head. Ganon lifted his weapons and gave a loud shriek.

"You leave a man for dead at the bottom of the ocean with a sword through his head and suddenly he's bitter."

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