Daruk and Yunobo

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Warriors' POV

I officially hate Taluses. Especially ones of the igneo variety.

Sky fitted some sort of contraption onto his wrist. It had a beetle design. "Anyone got a spare bomb?" He asked.

"Here!" Legend held one up.

The beetle detached itself from the bangle and flew toward the bomb. Legend winced, probably expecting it to blow up, but the beetle's pincers wrapped around the bomb and picked it up. Allowing Sky to deliver it to the crystal.

The crystal shattered but the beetle flew away unharmed and returned to Sky's wrist.

"You couldn't have done that sooner?" Legend protested.

"I forgot!" Sky protested. "I don't normally need it in battle!"

Rain started to pour down, despite the lack of clouds in the sky. "Thank you Mipha." I murmured to myself. She didn't have Proxi's touch so I can't talk to her.

I guess that's one thing I miss from the war. Proxi's involvement and magic.

The river of lava previously blocking our path turned to stone. Steam rolled off it.

We sprinted across the still-hot stone and up the final stretch to the Divine Beast. But of course it couldn't be that easy.

A Fire Lynel blocked our way forward.

Legend let out a long string of curses. I agreed with every single word that left his mouth. Sky didn't even tell him off! Or Sidon!

Legend used his ice rod to freeze the beast. Allowing Sidon to pierce its chest with one of his tridents.

Black blood spilled onto the ground. "Well that's done." Sky shrugged. "Time to go to the Divine Beast."

"I'll stand guard here." Sidon said. "You three go on ahead. I'm afraid I won't be of much help against a fire enemy anyway."

I nodded. "Let's go."

I ran toward the lizard Divine Beast Sky and Legend right behind me. The only exit onto solid ground closed shut behind Legend.

"Yes! That's the spirit!" I heard Daruk say from up ahead.

"Oh..." he chuckled when he saw us. He turned around and took his large weapon off his back. "All right! Let's try that again from the top!"

And then we were fighting Fireblight Ganon.

Wild had told us of its strength and heavy weapon, which should give us an opening if it misses. She also said that it fought with fire.

Which is why I brought Legend along.

The Veteran immediately got it, using the same tactic on the Shard of Calamity Ganon we used on the lynel. He froze it in its tracks.

Allowing us to get some hits in.

But the ice melted off, leaving Fireblight with a few holes as well as a worse attitude than Mask when I took away his Fierce Deity mask.

It was supposed to be a prank, but he figured out it was me and his shell (elegy of emptiness) now haunts my nightmares.

Never prank the Hero of Time.

Well I mean, I'm going to anyway because I never got him back, but still. The child one. The scary one.

"I can't do this all day!" Legend protested, freezing it again.

"Don't worry!" Daruk said pridefully. "We'll be long done by then."

"Hope your right." Sky said as I cut off a part of its mask. The ice mass fell to the ground.

It screeched in pain. Malice poured out of the wound like blood. It turned around and set its sights on me. If looks could kill, I'd be dead. But so would Cia. And Wild whenever she does something stupid.

So every day.

I threw a bomb at it. "Well that did something?" I said, asked, whatever. Fireblight barely flinched before continuing through the smoke.

Malice trailed after him like a slime trail.

It had backed me into a corner. I raised my arms as it raised its weapon. But the blow never came.

I opened my eyes and lowered my arms. Daruk was standing in place of Fireblight, his weapon covered in Malice. The rest of the mound lay on the ground.

I guess I only survived the Malice explosion through the crystalline shield around me. A similar one encased Daruk.

He smirked and they fell. "Now that's an ending!"

I smiled as the others laughed. "That was so cool!" Yunobo gushed.


Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I sort of... forgot... 😅

Also, has anyone watched the official Percy Jackson teaser? I just want to scream/cry in happiness with someone... 

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