Chapter 1

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"Why me Antonio? we have nothing in common, am not even your type so just... stop this, I have to get back to work", Iris told her boss who has been pursuing her for almost a year practically since she joined his company as his assistant. Iris was a five-foot-eight black woman who was over two hundred pounds. She liked to keep up with fashion, at least the fashion that fit her. Her parents died when she was young and she was raised in a foster home, she was removed from the system when she was eighteen, and she worked as a dishwasher until she was thirty. All this time she saved enough to take herself to college where she graduated with honours. And finally landed a job in Antonio's company. She accepted the job because she knew a man like him would never go for someone like her but she was wrong, especially when she discovered that he was into curvy women. On the other hand, Antonio was Italian, six feet two with a body like a GQ magazine model that every woman wanted to put under their pillow for good luck. He was the only son in the Greco family and heir to all their fortune. He was good at his job which was a bonus because he was able to make millions a day without a sweat but here he was cornering Iris in the office kitchen begging for her to give him a chance. The only thing she was grateful for was the CEO's floor only had two offices and two boardrooms so no one could see or interfere.

"Come on baby, am serious about you, just give me a chance", he said looking at her in the eyes making her blush. "Not until you tell me why", she challenged him. He flashed one of his killer smiles at her making her knees go weak. He was perfection and the type of man that Iris dreamed of. "Iris, I want you because you're the only one that treats me like me and not some snack. You have never, not even once tried to seduce me and when I talk to you I feel like we are connecting, others would be busy undressing me but you actually pay attention", he pleaded making Iris smile. "Antonio you pay me to listen to you", she teased making him reach for her hand. "I don't care. I paid my last assistant and she still couldn't listen to what I was saying because she was focusing on how to eat my neck tattoo", which got her attention. "You have a tattoo?", she asked with curiosity making him chuckle. "You see? this is what am telling you, we have been working together for a year and you don't even know if I have a tattoo", he complained like a child making him look even cutter and Iris loved every minute of it. The truth was Antonio was a very serious man especially when it came to work or when other people were around, only Iris saw the playful side of him which made her feel special.

"Go on a date with me baby, just once and if you don't like it, I'll back off", he looked at her with puppy eyes making her smile and nod in agreement. "One chance Antonio, you better make it count", she said walking back to her desk making sure to give him a good view of her bouncy behind.

The date was amazing, and by the end of it, Iris was smitten. He walked her back to her tiny apartment and kissed her goodnight just as it should be on a perfect date. That was the beginning of their amazing relationship. He made sure to introduce her to his family, his father was reluctant at first but he warmed up to her. They were nice and loving.

Everything was amazing between them until they went to an event together and they met Luca Colombo. Antonio's mood changed from a cheerful and flirty one to serious and possessive in a blink of an eye. She had never seen him that way before so it was weird for her, she had to ask him and his answer was simple, he was Antonio's competition in business. But she knew every competitor that they had and for some reason, Colombo was nowhere to be found. The real estate business was very tricky to maintain which means they were only a few players in that game so which business was he talking about? It troubled her and Antonio noticed but he assured her that it was not worth her time. So her attention went back to the party despite Luca always looking at her in a weird way.

As she guessed it didn't take long for her to meet Luca again only the second time was with her tied to a chair begging for her life while Luca held a gun to her head in front of Antonio asking him to give up some shipment coordinates. Antonio refused and there was a gunfight that resulted in her getting shot, Luca escaping and Iris discovering that Antonio was in the Mafia. He begged her to stay. He promised to love her and protect her. Finally, his pleading eyes made her heart warm and give in. She was in love with him after all.

"I promise to love you forever baby, you're my world", he said to her, "I love you too Antonio, please don't break my heart", she pleaded hoping he would understand what it took for her to accept him. "Baby that's the last thing on my mind... ever", he assured her pulling her into a hug.

That was the last time she heard about Luca. Life went back to normal and she thanked god for it because Antonio made her feel like a queen. Valentino also warmed up to her even more. He would ask her to go out on lunch dates with him and she would accept because she wanted to be on her future father-in-law's good side, that plus he always took her to fancy restaurants and she loved food so perfect combination.

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