Chapter 38

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Zain's POV

"You never host parties at your house, what gives?", Rayan asked his brother who ignored him. He went on to place the food on the table that was next to the pool. "Are you going to help me or ask questions?", he asked with a serious face that made Rayan laugh. "Gotta love the power of love... crap! I can rhyme now", he said helping him. with the rest of the food as Valerie finished making the cocktail. She always seemed to amaze him every single time and that made him fall even deeper. "Rayan, help with the glasses please", she said from the kitchen. Zain watched as his little brother ran inside to the rescue. The connection that Rayan had with Valerie was special that even he could not come between them. His brother was a playboy all his life, he started changing when he met Yolanda but even then he kept his circle small. And by small, it was just the three of them. Zoya and Rayan were not close because in the past he used to sleep with her friends, especially the fake ones who wanted to be with Zoya because she was rich. It caused a lot of drama, they drifted apart.

"So when are you going to introduce her to your parents?", Yolanda asked standing next to him. "Soon. I don't know", he replied scratching the back of his neck. "How about you bring her to the family trip?", she suggested. It was tradition for them to travel to their Villas in Hawaii once a year, especially during their Mother's birthday. "Think about it, it's next month and you will have enough time to prep her", she said excitedly. "What do you mean prep her?", he asked feeling like he was getting confused. "I mean tell her about your super energetic Mum", she said as if it was something that he was supposed to be aware of. It made sense because Zoya's energy was not even half their mother's. "You're right. I will ask her. Thanks, Landa", "You're welcome buddy", she said patting his shoulder. "Fuck! Zain help me", Valerie said walking out of the kitchen with two water filters that had a cocktail in them. They were clearly heavy and she was tiny, he smiled as he took them from her with ease. "A kiss please", she said with her lips elevated making him chuckle but giving her a peck anyways. He thought of how she was constantly trying to make him do things in public, it was cute, it reminded him of how Hank used to try to break him. He didn't want to push her though, the woman was feisty. He received a smack on the butt cheek the moment he turned his back to her, it startled him and did not go unnoticed by Zoya's friends who started to whistle at him. He rolled his eyes, ignoring them. "Food is ready guys!", Valerie shouted at the group who came running and helping themselves to the food. He felt weird having to host people at his house but it was a good feeling. His house was starting to feel like a home. He felt her fingers interlock with his and when he looked at her, she had a huge smile on her face. "It feels good doesn't it?", she whispered making him nod in agreement. When they were done taking the food she made a plate for him and herself. She disappeared into the kitchen when he started eating and a few minutes later she handed him a glass with a weird-looking cocktail. "I think I will just have a beer", he said not willing to taste whatever she was giving him. "I made this for you, taste it, if you don't like it, I'll drink it", she dared him. He took the glass and sipped, it was bitter, with a leafy flavour, definitely his style. He drank some more earning a giggle from Valerie. "It's nice huh?", she teased. "Yes it is, thank you", he said with a wink only to see her blush. "You two look so adorable", Zoya said after taking a picture of them. "They do right? You better name your first child after me because I was the one that allowed you two to meet", Yolanda declared while sitting in the middle of them. Valerie was laughing her lungs out, no doubt laughing at his annoyed face. One thing that Zain loved was sitting next to Valerie and Yolanda knew it so it was obvious that she was just trying to get on his nerves. "Babe stops torturing the man", Rayan said with a smile enjoying his beer. Zoya went back to her friends. 

"Let's watch a movie", Valerie suggested. "Which movie?", Yolanda asked. He watched as the dark chocolate-coloured woman that captured his heart think with her full eyebrows furrowed no doubt about sending him to another torture session that he would happily agree to over and over again. "Ah, I got it. The Mechanic", she said and for some reason, Yolanda gave her a high five. Zain was lost and so was Rayan but that was until the movie started and they were ogling over the actor. It annoyed him but tried to control himself, he turned to his little brother and saw that he was also pissed. He gestured for him to follow, and they walked out of the theatre room, the ladies were so glued to the screen that they didn't even care. "I hate that guy man, Yolanda is so obsessed with him, I know it's harmless but come on!", Rayan complained as Zain handed him a beer. He poured whiskey for himself. They went to sit by the pool where Zoya and her friends were cleaning the place getting ready to leave. One of the girls that had a familiar face rushed to them. "Uh, hi Zain, thanks for having us today. We had a great time", she said clearly flushing her boobs at him but sadly they were not what he was into. "Sure thing", he said shortly turning his attention to Rayan when she kissed his cheek and then rushed back to her friends. "What the fuck was that?", Yolanda said from the door. Zain almost got a heart attack when he saw Valerie staring behind her. "Landa she just gave him a kiss on the cheek, don't make things bigger than they seem babe", Rayan tried to reason with her but the glare made him shut up.

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